Damien George e92c9aa9c9 tests: Add performance benchmarking test-suite framework.
This benchmarking test suite is intended to be run on any MicroPython
target.  As such all tests are parameterised with N and M: N is the
approximate CPU frequency (in MHz) of the target and M is the approximate
amount of heap memory (in kbytes) available on the target.  When running
the benchmark suite these parameters must be specified and then each test
is tuned to run on that target in a reasonable time (<1 second).

The test scripts are not standalone: they require adding some extra code at
the end to run the test with the appropriate parameters.  This is done
automatically by the run-perfbench.py script, in such a way that imports
are minimised (so the tests can be run on targets without filesystem

To interface with the benchmarking framework, each test provides a
bm_params dict and a bm_setup function, with the later taking a set of
parameters (chosen based on N, M) and returning a pair of functions, one to
run the test and one to get the results.

When running the test the number of microseconds taken by the test are
recorded.  Then this is converted into a benchmark score by inverting it
(so higher number is faster) and normalising it with an appropriate factor
(based roughly on the amount of work done by the test, eg number of

Test outputs are also compared against a "truth" value, computed by running
the test with CPython.  This provides a basic way of making sure the test
actually ran correctly.

Each test is run multiple times and the results averaged and standard
deviation computed.  This is output as a summary of the test.

To make comparisons of performance across different runs the
run-perfbench.py script also includes a diff mode that reads in the output
of two previous runs and computes the difference in performance.  Reports
are given as a percentage change in performance with a combined standard
deviation to give an indication if the noise in the benchmarking is less
than the thing that is being measured.

Example invocations for PC, pyboard and esp8266 targets respectively:

    $ ./run-perfbench.py 1000 1000
    $ ./run-perfbench.py --pyboard 100 100
    $ ./run-perfbench.py --pyboard --device /dev/ttyUSB0 50 25
2019-06-28 16:29:23 +10:00

242 lines
8.1 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This file is part of the MicroPython project, http://micropython.org/
# The MIT License (MIT)
# Copyright (c) 2019 Damien P. George
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import argparse
from glob import glob
import pyboard
# Paths for host executables
if os.name == 'nt':
CPYTHON3 = os.getenv('MICROPY_CPYTHON3', 'python3.exe')
MICROPYTHON = os.getenv('MICROPY_MICROPYTHON', '../ports/windows/micropython.exe')
CPYTHON3 = os.getenv('MICROPY_CPYTHON3', 'python3')
MICROPYTHON = os.getenv('MICROPY_MICROPYTHON', '../ports/unix/micropython')
BENCH_SCRIPT_DIR = 'perf_bench/'
def compute_stats(lst):
avg = 0
var = 0
for x in lst:
avg += x
var += x * x
avg /= len(lst)
var = max(0, var / len(lst) - avg ** 2)
return avg, var ** 0.5
def run_script_on_target(target, script):
output = b''
err = None
if isinstance(target, pyboard.Pyboard):
# Run via pyboard interface
output = target.exec_(script)
except pyboard.PyboardError as er:
err = er
# Run local executable
p = subprocess.run([target], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, input=script)
output = p.stdout
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as er:
err = er
return str(output.strip(), 'ascii'), err
def run_feature_test(target, test):
with open('feature_check/' + test + '.py', 'rb') as f:
script = f.read()
output, err = run_script_on_target(target, script)
if err is None:
return output
return 'CRASH: %r' % err
def run_benchmark_on_target(target, script):
output, err = run_script_on_target(target, script)
if err is None:
time, norm, result = output.split(None, 2)
return int(time), int(norm), result
except ValueError:
return -1, -1, 'CRASH: %r' % output
return -1, -1, 'CRASH: %r' % err
def run_benchmarks(target, param_n, param_m, n_average, test_list):
skip_native = run_feature_test(target, 'native_check') != ''
for test_file in sorted(test_list):
print(test_file + ': ', end='')
# Check if test should be skipped
skip = skip_native and test_file.find('viper_') != -1
if skip:
# Create test script
with open(test_file, 'rb') as f:
test_script = f.read()
with open(BENCH_SCRIPT_DIR + 'benchrun.py', 'rb') as f:
test_script += f.read()
test_script += b'bm_run(%u, %u)\n' % (param_n, param_m)
# Write full test script if needed
if 0:
with open('%s.full' % test_file, 'wb') as f:
# Run MicroPython a given number of times
times = []
scores = []
error = None
result_out = None
for _ in range(n_average):
time, norm, result = run_benchmark_on_target(target, test_script)
if time < 0 or norm < 0:
error = result
if result_out is None:
result_out = result
elif result != result_out:
error = 'FAIL self'
scores.append(1e6 * norm / time)
# Check result against truth if needed
if error is None and result_out != 'None':
_, _, result_exp = run_benchmark_on_target(PYTHON_TRUTH, test_script)
if result_out != result_exp:
error = 'FAIL truth'
if error is not None:
t_avg, t_sd = compute_stats(times)
s_avg, s_sd = compute_stats(scores)
print('{:.2f} {:.4f} {:.2f} {:.4f}'.format(t_avg, 100 * t_sd / t_avg, s_avg, 100 * s_sd / s_avg))
if 0:
print(' times: ', times)
print(' scores:', scores)
def parse_output(filename):
with open(filename) as f:
params = f.readline()
n, m, _ = params.strip().split()
n = int(n.split('=')[1])
m = int(m.split('=')[1])
data = []
for l in f:
if l.find(': ') != -1 and l.find(': skip') == -1 and l.find('CRASH: ') == -1:
name, values = l.strip().split(': ')
values = tuple(float(v) for v in values.split())
data.append((name,) + values)
return n, m, data
def compute_diff(file1, file2, diff_score):
# Parse output data from previous runs
n1, m1, d1 = parse_output(file1)
n2, m2, d2 = parse_output(file2)
# Print header
if diff_score:
print('diff of scores (higher is better)')
print('diff of microsecond times (lower is better)')
if n1 == n2 and m1 == m2:
hdr = 'N={} M={}'.format(n1, m1)
hdr = 'N={} M={} vs N={} M={}'.format(n1, m1, n2, m2)
print('{:24} {:>10} -> {:>10} {:>10} {:>7}% (error%)'.format(hdr, file1, file2, 'diff', 'diff'))
# Print entries
while d1 and d2:
if d1[0][0] == d2[0][0]:
# Found entries with matching names
entry1 = d1.pop(0)
entry2 = d2.pop(0)
name = entry1[0].rsplit('/')[-1]
av1, sd1 = entry1[1 + 2 * diff_score], entry1[2 + 2 * diff_score]
av2, sd2 = entry2[1 + 2 * diff_score], entry2[2 + 2 * diff_score]
sd1 *= av1 / 100 # convert from percent sd to absolute sd
sd2 *= av2 / 100 # convert from percent sd to absolute sd
av_diff = av2 - av1
sd_diff = (sd1 ** 2 + sd2 ** 2) ** 0.5
percent = 100 * av_diff / av1
percent_sd = 100 * sd_diff / av1
print('{:24} {:10.2f} -> {:10.2f} : {:+10.2f} = {:+7.3f}% (+/-{:.2f}%)'.format(name, av1, av2, av_diff, percent, percent_sd))
elif d1[0][0] < d2[0][0]:
def main():
cmd_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run benchmarks for MicroPython')
cmd_parser.add_argument('-t', '--diff-time', action='store_true', help='diff time outputs from a previous run')
cmd_parser.add_argument('-s', '--diff-score', action='store_true', help='diff score outputs from a previous run')
cmd_parser.add_argument('-p', '--pyboard', action='store_true', help='run tests via pyboard.py')
cmd_parser.add_argument('-d', '--device', default='/dev/ttyACM0', help='the device for pyboard.py')
cmd_parser.add_argument('-a', '--average', default='8', help='averaging number')
cmd_parser.add_argument('N', nargs=1, help='N parameter (approximate target CPU frequency)')
cmd_parser.add_argument('M', nargs=1, help='M parameter (approximate target heap in kbytes)')
cmd_parser.add_argument('files', nargs='*', help='input test files')
args = cmd_parser.parse_args()
if args.diff_time or args.diff_score:
compute_diff(args.N[0], args.M[0], args.diff_score)
# N, M = 50, 25 # esp8266
# N, M = 100, 100 # pyboard, esp32
# N, M = 1000, 1000 # PC
N = int(args.N[0])
M = int(args.M[0])
n_average = int(args.average)
if args.pyboard:
target = pyboard.Pyboard(args.device)
if len(args.files) == 0:
tests_skip = ('benchrun.py',)
if M <= 25:
# These scripts are too big to be compiled by the target
tests_skip += ('bm_chaos.py', 'bm_hexiom.py', 'misc_raytrace.py')
tests = sorted(
BENCH_SCRIPT_DIR + test_file for test_file in os.listdir(BENCH_SCRIPT_DIR)
if test_file.endswith('.py') and test_file not in tests_skip
tests = sorted(args.files)
print('N={} M={} n_average={}'.format(N, M, n_average))
run_benchmarks(target, N, M, n_average, tests)
if isinstance(target, pyboard.Pyboard):
if __name__ == "__main__":