Damien George 8f211df360 stm32/mboot/fwupdate.py: Refactor update_mpy with support for STATUS.
Changes are:
- refactor to use new _create_element function
- support extended version of MOUNT element with block size
- support STATUS element

Signed-off-by: Damien George <damien@micropython.org>
2021-01-29 15:02:55 +11:00

199 lines
5.3 KiB

# Update Mboot or MicroPython from a .dfu.gz file on the board's filesystem
# MIT license; Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Damien P. George
from micropython import const
import struct, time
import uzlib, machine, stm
# Constants to be used with update_mpy
VFS_LFS1 = 2
VFS_LFS2 = 3
# Constants for creating mboot elements.
_ELEM_TYPE_END = const(1)
_ELEM_TYPE_MOUNT = const(2)
_ELEM_TYPE_FSLOAD = const(3)
_ELEM_TYPE_STATUS = const(4)
FLASH_KEY1 = 0x45670123
def check_mem_contains(addr, buf):
mem8 = stm.mem8
r = range(len(buf))
for off in r:
if mem8[addr + off] != buf[off]:
return False
return True
def check_mem_erased(addr, size):
mem16 = stm.mem16
r = range(0, size, 2)
for off in r:
if mem16[addr + off] != 0xFFFF:
return False
return True
def dfu_read(filename):
f = open(filename, "rb")
hdr = f.read(3)
if hdr == b"Dfu":
elif hdr == b"\x1f\x8b\x08":
f = uzlib.DecompIO(f, 16 + 15)
print("Invalid firmware", filename)
return None
elems = []
hdr = f.read(11)
sig, ver, size, num_targ = struct.unpack("<5sBIB", hdr)
file_offset = 11
for i in range(num_targ):
hdr = f.read(274)
sig, alt, has_name, name, t_size, num_elem = struct.unpack("<6sBi255sII", hdr)
file_offset += 274
file_offset_t = file_offset
for j in range(num_elem):
hdr = f.read(8)
addr, e_size = struct.unpack("<II", hdr)
data = f.read(e_size)
elems.append((addr, data))
file_offset += 8 + e_size
if t_size != file_offset - file_offset_t:
print("corrupt DFU", t_size, file_offset - file_offset_t)
return None
if size != file_offset:
print("corrupt DFU", size, file_offset)
return None
hdr = f.read(16)
hdr = struct.unpack("<HHHH3sBI", hdr)
return elems
def flash_wait_not_busy():
while stm.mem32[stm.FLASH + stm.FLASH_SR] & 1 << 16:
def flash_unlock():
stm.mem32[stm.FLASH + stm.FLASH_KEYR] = FLASH_KEY1
stm.mem32[stm.FLASH + stm.FLASH_KEYR] = FLASH_KEY2
def flash_lock():
stm.mem32[stm.FLASH + stm.FLASH_CR] = 1 << 31 # LOCK
def flash_erase_sector(sector):
assert 0 <= sector <= 7 # for F722
cr = 2 << 8 | sector << 3 | 1 << 1 # PSIZE = 32 bits # SNB # SER
stm.mem32[stm.FLASH + stm.FLASH_CR] = cr
stm.mem32[stm.FLASH + stm.FLASH_CR] = cr | 1 << 16 # STRT
stm.mem32[stm.FLASH + stm.FLASH_CR] = 0
def flash_write(addr, buf):
assert len(buf) % 4 == 0
cr = 2 << 8 | 1 << 0 # PSIZE = 32 bits # PG
stm.mem32[stm.FLASH + stm.FLASH_CR] = cr
for off in range(0, len(buf), 4):
stm.mem32[addr + off] = struct.unpack_from("I", buf, off)[0]
stm.mem32[stm.FLASH + stm.FLASH_CR] = 0
def update_mboot(filename):
print("Loading file", filename)
mboot_fw = dfu_read(filename)
if mboot_fw is None:
if len(mboot_fw) != 1:
assert 0
mboot_addr, mboot_fw = mboot_fw[0]
if mboot_addr != 0x08000000:
assert 0
# TODO: Validate firmware in a simple way
print("Found Mboot data with size %u." % len(mboot_fw))
chk = check_mem_contains(mboot_addr, mboot_fw)
if chk:
print("Supplied version of Mboot is already on device.")
print("Programming Mboot, do not turn off!")
irq = machine.disable_irq()
if len(mboot_fw) > 16 * 1024 and not check_mem_erased(mboot_addr + 16 * 1024, 16 * 1024):
flash_write(mboot_addr, mboot_fw)
print("New Mboot programmed.")
if check_mem_contains(mboot_addr, mboot_fw):
print("Verification of new Mboot succeeded.")
print("Verification of new Mboot FAILED! Try rerunning.")
print("Programming finished, can now reset or turn off.")
def _create_element(kind, body):
return bytes([kind, len(body)]) + body
def update_mpy(filename, fs_base, fs_len, fs_type=VFS_FAT, fs_blocksize=0, status_addr=None):
# Check firmware is of .dfu or .dfu.gz type
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
hdr = uzlib.DecompIO(f, 16 + 15).read(6)
except Exception:
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
hdr = f.read(6)
if hdr != b"DfuSe\x01":
print("Firmware must be a .dfu(.gz) file.")
if fs_type in (VFS_LFS1, VFS_LFS2) and not fs_blocksize:
raise Exception("littlefs requires fs_blocksize parameter")
mount_point = 1
elems = _create_element(
struct.pack("<BBLLL", mount_point, fs_type, fs_base, fs_len, fs_blocksize),
elems += _create_element(
_ELEM_TYPE_FSLOAD, struct.pack("<B", mount_point) + bytes(filename, "ascii")
if status_addr is not None:
# mboot will write 0 to status_addr on succes, or a negative number on failure
machine.mem32[status_addr] = 1
elems += _create_element(_ELEM_TYPE_STATUS, struct.pack("<L", status_addr))
elems += _create_element(_ELEM_TYPE_END, b"")