Damien George c5966128c7 Implement proper exception type hierarchy.
Each built-in exception is now a type, with base type BaseException.
C exceptions are created by passing a pointer to the exception type to
make an instance of.  When raising an exception from the VM, an
instance is created automatically if an exception type is raised (as
opposed to an exception instance).

Exception matching (RT_BINARY_OP_EXCEPTION_MATCH) is now proper.

Handling of parse error changed to match new exceptions.

mp_const_type renamed to mp_type_type for consistency.
2014-02-15 16:10:44 +00:00

653 lines
26 KiB

#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "misc.h"
#include "mpconfig.h"
#include "qstr.h"
#include "lexer.h"
#include "parse.h"
#define RULE_ACT_KIND_MASK (0xf0)
#define RULE_ACT_ARG_MASK (0x0f)
#define RULE_ACT_OR (0x10)
#define RULE_ACT_AND (0x20)
#define RULE_ACT_LIST (0x30)
#define RULE_ARG_BLANK (0x0000)
#define RULE_ARG_KIND_MASK (0xf000)
#define RULE_ARG_ARG_MASK (0x0fff)
#define RULE_ARG_TOK (0x1000)
#define RULE_ARG_RULE (0x2000)
#define RULE_ARG_OPT_TOK (0x3000)
#define RULE_ARG_OPT_RULE (0x4000)
#define ADD_BLANK_NODE(rule_id) ((rule_id) == RULE_funcdef || (rule_id) == RULE_classdef || (rule_id) == RULE_comp_for || (rule_id) == RULE_lambdef || (rule_id) == RULE_lambdef_nocond)
// (un)comment to use rule names; for debugging
//#define USE_RULE_NAME (1)
typedef struct _rule_t {
byte rule_id;
byte act;
const char *rule_name;
uint16_t arg[];
} rule_t;
enum {
RULE_none = 0,
#define DEF_RULE(rule, comp, kind, ...) RULE_##rule,
#include "grammar.h"
#undef DEF_RULE
#define or(n) (RULE_ACT_OR | n)
#define and(n) (RULE_ACT_AND | n)
#define one_or_more (RULE_ACT_LIST | 2)
#define list (RULE_ACT_LIST | 1)
#define list_with_end (RULE_ACT_LIST | 3)
#define tok(t) (RULE_ARG_TOK | MP_TOKEN_##t)
#define rule(r) (RULE_ARG_RULE | RULE_##r)
#define opt_tok(t) (RULE_ARG_OPT_TOK | MP_TOKEN_##t)
#define opt_rule(r) (RULE_ARG_OPT_RULE | RULE_##r)
#define DEF_RULE(rule, comp, kind, ...) static const rule_t rule_##rule = { RULE_##rule, kind, #rule, { __VA_ARGS__ } };
#define DEF_RULE(rule, comp, kind, ...) static const rule_t rule_##rule = { RULE_##rule, kind, { __VA_ARGS__ } };
#include "grammar.h"
#undef or
#undef and
#undef list
#undef list_with_end
#undef tok
#undef rule
#undef opt_tok
#undef opt_rule
#undef one_or_more
#undef DEF_RULE
STATIC const rule_t *rules[] = {
#define DEF_RULE(rule, comp, kind, ...) &rule_##rule,
#include "grammar.h"
#undef DEF_RULE
typedef struct _rule_stack_t {
unsigned int src_line : 24;
unsigned int rule_id : 8;
int32_t arg_i; // what should be the size and signedness?
} rule_stack_t;
typedef struct _parser_t {
uint rule_stack_alloc;
uint rule_stack_top;
rule_stack_t *rule_stack;
uint result_stack_alloc;
uint result_stack_top;
mp_parse_node_t *result_stack;
mp_lexer_t *lexer;
} parser_t;
STATIC void push_rule(parser_t *parser, int src_line, const rule_t *rule, int arg_i) {
if (parser->rule_stack_top >= parser->rule_stack_alloc) {
parser->rule_stack = m_renew(rule_stack_t, parser->rule_stack, parser->rule_stack_alloc, parser->rule_stack_alloc * 2);
parser->rule_stack_alloc *= 2;
rule_stack_t *rs = &parser->rule_stack[parser->rule_stack_top++];
rs->src_line = src_line;
rs->rule_id = rule->rule_id;
rs->arg_i = arg_i;
STATIC void push_rule_from_arg(parser_t *parser, uint arg) {
uint rule_id = arg & RULE_ARG_ARG_MASK;
assert(rule_id < RULE_maximum_number_of);
push_rule(parser, mp_lexer_cur(parser->lexer)->src_line, rules[rule_id], 0);
STATIC void pop_rule(parser_t *parser, const rule_t **rule, uint *arg_i, uint *src_line) {
parser->rule_stack_top -= 1;
*rule = rules[parser->rule_stack[parser->rule_stack_top].rule_id];
*arg_i = parser->rule_stack[parser->rule_stack_top].arg_i;
*src_line = parser->rule_stack[parser->rule_stack_top].src_line;
mp_parse_node_t mp_parse_node_new_leaf(machine_int_t kind, machine_int_t arg) {
return (mp_parse_node_t)(kind | (arg << 4));
//int num_parse_nodes_allocated = 0;
mp_parse_node_struct_t *parse_node_new_struct(int src_line, int rule_id, int num_args) {
mp_parse_node_struct_t *pn = m_new_obj_var(mp_parse_node_struct_t, mp_parse_node_t, num_args);
pn->source_line = src_line;
pn->kind_num_nodes = (rule_id & 0xff) | (num_args << 8);
//num_parse_nodes_allocated += 1;
return pn;
uint mp_parse_node_free(mp_parse_node_t pn) {
uint cnt = 0;
mp_parse_node_struct_t *pns = (mp_parse_node_struct_t *)pn;
uint rule_id = MP_PARSE_NODE_STRUCT_KIND(pns);
bool adjust = ADD_BLANK_NODE(rule_id);
if (adjust) {
for (uint i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cnt += mp_parse_node_free(pns->nodes[i]);
if (adjust) {
m_del_var(mp_parse_node_struct_t, mp_parse_node_t, n, pns);
return cnt;
void mp_parse_node_print(mp_parse_node_t pn, int indent) {
printf("[% 4d] ", (int)((mp_parse_node_struct_t*)pn)->source_line);
} else {
printf(" ");
for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) {
printf(" ");
} else if (MP_PARSE_NODE_IS_LEAF(pn)) {
machine_int_t arg = MP_PARSE_NODE_LEAF_ARG(pn);
switch (MP_PARSE_NODE_LEAF_KIND(pn)) {
case MP_PARSE_NODE_ID: printf("id(%s)\n", qstr_str(arg)); break;
case MP_PARSE_NODE_SMALL_INT: printf("int(" INT_FMT ")\n", arg); break;
case MP_PARSE_NODE_INTEGER: printf("int(%s)\n", qstr_str(arg)); break;
case MP_PARSE_NODE_DECIMAL: printf("dec(%s)\n", qstr_str(arg)); break;
case MP_PARSE_NODE_STRING: printf("str(%s)\n", qstr_str(arg)); break;
case MP_PARSE_NODE_BYTES: printf("bytes(%s)\n", qstr_str(arg)); break;
case MP_PARSE_NODE_TOKEN: printf("tok(" INT_FMT ")\n", arg); break;
default: assert(0);
} else {
mp_parse_node_struct_t *pns = (mp_parse_node_struct_t*)pn;
printf("%s(%d) (n=%d)\n", rules[MP_PARSE_NODE_STRUCT_KIND(pns)]->rule_name, MP_PARSE_NODE_STRUCT_KIND(pns), n);
printf("rule(%u) (n=%d)\n", (uint)MP_PARSE_NODE_STRUCT_KIND(pns), n);
for (uint i = 0; i < n; i++) {
mp_parse_node_print(pns->nodes[i], indent + 2);
STATIC void result_stack_show(parser_t *parser) {
printf("result stack, most recent first\n");
for (int i = parser->result_stack_top - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
mp_parse_node_print(parser->result_stack[i], 0);
STATIC mp_parse_node_t pop_result(parser_t *parser) {
assert(parser->result_stack_top > 0);
return parser->result_stack[--parser->result_stack_top];
STATIC mp_parse_node_t peek_result(parser_t *parser, int pos) {
assert(parser->result_stack_top > pos);
return parser->result_stack[parser->result_stack_top - 1 - pos];
STATIC void push_result_node(parser_t *parser, mp_parse_node_t pn) {
if (parser->result_stack_top >= parser->result_stack_alloc) {
parser->result_stack = m_renew(mp_parse_node_t, parser->result_stack, parser->result_stack_alloc, parser->result_stack_alloc * 2);
parser->result_stack_alloc *= 2;
parser->result_stack[parser->result_stack_top++] = pn;
STATIC void push_result_token(parser_t *parser, const mp_lexer_t *lex) {
const mp_token_t *tok = mp_lexer_cur(lex);
mp_parse_node_t pn;
if (tok->kind == MP_TOKEN_NAME) {
pn = mp_parse_node_new_leaf(MP_PARSE_NODE_ID, qstr_from_strn(tok->str, tok->len));
} else if (tok->kind == MP_TOKEN_NUMBER) {
bool dec = false;
bool small_int = true;
machine_int_t int_val = 0;
int len = tok->len;
const char *str = tok->str;
int base = 10;
int i = 0;
if (len >= 3 && str[0] == '0') {
if (str[1] == 'o' || str[1] == 'O') {
// octal
base = 8;
i = 2;
} else if (str[1] == 'x' || str[1] == 'X') {
// hexadecimal
base = 16;
i = 2;
} else if (str[1] == 'b' || str[1] == 'B') {
// binary
base = 2;
i = 2;
bool overflow = false;
for (; i < len; i++) {
machine_int_t old_val = int_val;
if (unichar_isdigit(str[i]) && str[i] - '0' < base) {
int_val = base * int_val + str[i] - '0';
} else if (base == 16 && 'a' <= str[i] && str[i] <= 'f') {
int_val = base * int_val + str[i] - 'a' + 10;
} else if (base == 16 && 'A' <= str[i] && str[i] <= 'F') {
int_val = base * int_val + str[i] - 'A' + 10;
} else if (str[i] == '.' || str[i] == 'e' || str[i] == 'E' || str[i] == 'j' || str[i] == 'J') {
dec = true;
} else {
small_int = false;
if (int_val < old_val) {
// If new value became less than previous, it's overflow
overflow = true;
} else if ((old_val ^ int_val) & WORD_MSBIT_HIGH) {
// If signed number changed sign - it's overflow
overflow = true;
if (dec) {
pn = mp_parse_node_new_leaf(MP_PARSE_NODE_DECIMAL, qstr_from_strn(str, len));
} else if (small_int && !overflow && MP_FIT_SMALL_INT(int_val)) {
pn = mp_parse_node_new_leaf(MP_PARSE_NODE_SMALL_INT, int_val);
} else {
pn = mp_parse_node_new_leaf(MP_PARSE_NODE_INTEGER, qstr_from_strn(str, len));
} else if (tok->kind == MP_TOKEN_STRING) {
pn = mp_parse_node_new_leaf(MP_PARSE_NODE_STRING, qstr_from_strn(tok->str, tok->len));
} else if (tok->kind == MP_TOKEN_BYTES) {
pn = mp_parse_node_new_leaf(MP_PARSE_NODE_BYTES, qstr_from_strn(tok->str, tok->len));
} else {
pn = mp_parse_node_new_leaf(MP_PARSE_NODE_TOKEN, tok->kind);
push_result_node(parser, pn);
STATIC void push_result_rule(parser_t *parser, int src_line, const rule_t *rule, int num_args) {
mp_parse_node_struct_t *pn = parse_node_new_struct(src_line, rule->rule_id, num_args);
for (int i = num_args; i > 0; i--) {
pn->nodes[i - 1] = pop_result(parser);
push_result_node(parser, (mp_parse_node_t)pn);
mp_parse_node_t mp_parse(mp_lexer_t *lex, mp_parse_input_kind_t input_kind, mp_parse_error_kind_t *parse_error_kind_out) {
// allocate memory for the parser and its stacks
parser_t *parser = m_new_obj(parser_t);
parser->rule_stack_alloc = 64;
parser->rule_stack_top = 0;
parser->rule_stack = m_new(rule_stack_t, parser->rule_stack_alloc);
parser->result_stack_alloc = 64;
parser->result_stack_top = 0;
parser->result_stack = m_new(mp_parse_node_t, parser->result_stack_alloc);
parser->lexer = lex;
// work out the top-level rule to use, and push it on the stack
int top_level_rule;
switch (input_kind) {
case MP_PARSE_SINGLE_INPUT: top_level_rule = RULE_single_input; break;
case MP_PARSE_EVAL_INPUT: top_level_rule = RULE_eval_input; break;
default: top_level_rule = RULE_file_input;
push_rule(parser, mp_lexer_cur(lex)->src_line, rules[top_level_rule], 0);
// parse!
uint n, i; // state for the current rule
uint rule_src_line; // source line for the first token matched by the current rule
bool backtrack = false;
const rule_t *rule = NULL;
mp_token_kind_t tok_kind;
bool emit_rule;
bool had_trailing_sep;
for (;;) {
if (parser->rule_stack_top == 0) {
pop_rule(parser, &rule, &i, &rule_src_line);
n = rule->act & RULE_ACT_ARG_MASK;
// debugging
printf("depth=%d ", parser->rule_stack_top);
for (int j = 0; j < parser->rule_stack_top; ++j) {
printf(" ");
printf("%s n=%d i=%d bt=%d\n", rule->rule_name, n, i, backtrack);
switch (rule->act & RULE_ACT_KIND_MASK) {
if (i > 0 && !backtrack) {
goto next_rule;
} else {
backtrack = false;
for (; i < n - 1; ++i) {
switch (rule->arg[i] & RULE_ARG_KIND_MASK) {
if (mp_lexer_is_kind(lex, rule->arg[i] & RULE_ARG_ARG_MASK)) {
push_result_token(parser, lex);
goto next_rule;
push_rule(parser, rule_src_line, rule, i + 1); // save this or-rule
push_rule_from_arg(parser, rule->arg[i]); // push child of or-rule
goto next_rule;
if ((rule->arg[i] & RULE_ARG_KIND_MASK) == RULE_ARG_TOK) {
if (mp_lexer_is_kind(lex, rule->arg[i] & RULE_ARG_ARG_MASK)) {
push_result_token(parser, lex);
} else {
backtrack = true;
goto next_rule;
} else {
push_rule_from_arg(parser, rule->arg[i]);
// failed, backtrack if we can, else syntax error
if (backtrack) {
assert(i > 0);
if ((rule->arg[i - 1] & RULE_ARG_KIND_MASK) == RULE_ARG_OPT_RULE) {
// an optional rule that failed, so continue with next arg
push_result_node(parser, MP_PARSE_NODE_NULL);
backtrack = false;
} else {
// a mandatory rule that failed, so propagate backtrack
if (i > 1) {
// already eaten tokens so can't backtrack
goto syntax_error;
} else {
goto next_rule;
// progress through the rule
for (; i < n; ++i) {
switch (rule->arg[i] & RULE_ARG_KIND_MASK) {
// need to match a token
tok_kind = rule->arg[i] & RULE_ARG_ARG_MASK;
if (mp_lexer_is_kind(lex, tok_kind)) {
// matched token
if (tok_kind == MP_TOKEN_NAME) {
push_result_token(parser, lex);
} else {
// failed to match token
if (i > 0) {
// already eaten tokens so can't backtrack
goto syntax_error;
} else {
// this rule failed, so backtrack
backtrack = true;
goto next_rule;
push_rule(parser, rule_src_line, rule, i + 1); // save this and-rule
push_rule_from_arg(parser, rule->arg[i]); // push child of and-rule
goto next_rule;
assert(i == n);
// matched the rule, so now build the corresponding parse_node
// count number of arguments for the parse_node
i = 0;
emit_rule = false;
for (int x = 0; x < n; ++x) {
if ((rule->arg[x] & RULE_ARG_KIND_MASK) == RULE_ARG_TOK) {
tok_kind = rule->arg[x] & RULE_ARG_ARG_MASK;
if (tok_kind >= MP_TOKEN_NAME) {
emit_rule = true;
if (tok_kind == MP_TOKEN_NAME) {
// only tokens which were names are pushed to stack
i += 1;
} else {
// rules are always pushed
i += 1;
// always emit these rules, even if they have only 1 argument
if (rule->rule_id == RULE_expr_stmt || rule->rule_id == RULE_yield_stmt) {
emit_rule = true;
// never emit these rules if they have only 1 argument
// NOTE: can't put atom_paren here because we need it to distinguisg, for example, [a,b] from [(a,b)]
// TODO possibly put varargslist_name, varargslist_equal here as well
if (rule->rule_id == RULE_else_stmt || rule->rule_id == RULE_testlist_comp_3b || rule->rule_id == RULE_import_as_names_paren || rule->rule_id == RULE_typedargslist_name || rule->rule_id == RULE_typedargslist_colon || rule->rule_id == RULE_typedargslist_equal || rule->rule_id == RULE_dictorsetmaker_colon || rule->rule_id == RULE_classdef_2 || rule->rule_id == RULE_with_item_as || rule->rule_id == RULE_assert_stmt_extra || rule->rule_id == RULE_as_name || rule->rule_id == RULE_raise_stmt_from || rule->rule_id == RULE_vfpdef) {
emit_rule = false;
// always emit these rules, and add an extra blank node at the end (to be used by the compiler to store data)
if (ADD_BLANK_NODE(rule->rule_id)) {
emit_rule = true;
push_result_node(parser, MP_PARSE_NODE_NULL);
i += 1;
int num_not_nil = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < i; ++x) {
if (peek_result(parser, x) != MP_PARSE_NODE_NULL) {
num_not_nil += 1;
//printf("done and %s n=%d i=%d notnil=%d\n", rule->rule_name, n, i, num_not_nil);
if (emit_rule) {
push_result_rule(parser, rule_src_line, rule, i);
} else if (num_not_nil == 0) {
push_result_rule(parser, rule_src_line, rule, i); // needed for, eg, atom_paren, testlist_comp_3b
} else if (num_not_nil == 1) {
// single result, leave it on stack
mp_parse_node_t pn = MP_PARSE_NODE_NULL;
for (int x = 0; x < i; ++x) {
mp_parse_node_t pn2 = pop_result(parser);
if (pn2 != MP_PARSE_NODE_NULL) {
pn = pn2;
push_result_node(parser, pn);
} else {
push_result_rule(parser, rule_src_line, rule, i);
// n=2 is: item item*
// n=1 is: item (sep item)*
// n=3 is: item (sep item)* [sep]
if (backtrack) {
had_trailing_sep = false;
if (n == 2) {
if (i == 1) {
// fail on item, first time round; propagate backtrack
goto next_rule;
} else {
// fail on item, in later rounds; finish with this rule
backtrack = false;
} else {
if (i == 1) {
// fail on item, first time round; propagate backtrack
goto next_rule;
} else if ((i & 1) == 1) {
// fail on item, in later rounds; have eaten tokens so can't backtrack
if (n == 3) {
// list allows trailing separator; finish parsing list
had_trailing_sep = true;
backtrack = false;
} else {
// list doesn't allowing trailing separator; fail
goto syntax_error;
} else {
// fail on separator; finish parsing list
backtrack = false;
} else {
for (;;) {
uint arg = rule->arg[i & 1 & n];
switch (arg & RULE_ARG_KIND_MASK) {
if (mp_lexer_is_kind(lex, arg & RULE_ARG_ARG_MASK)) {
if (i & 1 & n) {
// separators which are tokens are not pushed to result stack
} else {
push_result_token(parser, lex);
// got element of list, so continue parsing list
i += 1;
} else {
// couldn't get element of list
i += 1;
backtrack = true;
goto list_backtrack;
push_rule(parser, rule_src_line, rule, i + 1); // save this list-rule
push_rule_from_arg(parser, arg); // push child of list-rule
goto next_rule;
assert(i >= 1);
// compute number of elements in list, result in i
i -= 1;
if ((n & 1) && (rule->arg[1] & RULE_ARG_KIND_MASK) == RULE_ARG_TOK) {
// don't count separators when they are tokens
i = (i + 1) / 2;
if (i == 1) {
// list matched single item
if (had_trailing_sep) {
// if there was a trailing separator, make a list of a single item
push_result_rule(parser, rule_src_line, rule, i);
} else {
// just leave single item on stack (ie don't wrap in a list)
} else {
//printf("done list %s %d %d\n", rule->rule_name, n, i);
push_result_rule(parser, rule_src_line, rule, i);
// check we are at the end of the token stream
if (!mp_lexer_is_kind(lex, MP_TOKEN_END)) {
goto syntax_error;
//printf("rule stack alloc: %d\n", parser->rule_stack_alloc);
//printf("result stack alloc: %d\n", parser->result_stack_alloc);
//printf("number of parse nodes allocated: %d\n", num_parse_nodes_allocated);
// get the root parse node that we created
assert(parser->result_stack_top == 1);
mp_parse_node_t result = parser->result_stack[0];
// free the memory that we don't need anymore
m_del(rule_stack_t, parser->rule_stack, parser->rule_stack_alloc);
m_del(mp_parse_node_t, parser->result_stack, parser->result_stack_alloc);
m_del_obj(parser_t, parser);
// return the result
return result;
if (mp_lexer_is_kind(lex, MP_TOKEN_INDENT)) {
*parse_error_kind_out = MP_PARSE_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_INDENT;
} else if (mp_lexer_is_kind(lex, MP_TOKEN_DEDENT_MISMATCH)) {
*parse_error_kind_out = MP_PARSE_ERROR_UNMATCHED_UNINDENT;
} else {
*parse_error_kind_out = MP_PARSE_ERROR_INVALID_SYNTAX;
// debugging: print the rule name that failed and the token
printf("rule: %s\n", rule->rule_name);
goto finished;