Paul Sokolovsky 48e931e1d3 tools/tinytest-codegen.py: Generate code for upytesthelper.
The way tinytest was used in qemu-arm test target is that it didn't test
much. MicroPython tests are based on matching the test output against
reference output, but qemu-arm's implementation didn't do that, it
effectively tested just that there was no exception during test
execution. "upytesthelper" wrapper was introduce to fix it, and so
test generator is now switched to generate test code for it.

Also, fix PEP8 and other codestyle issues.
2017-12-13 09:07:51 +02:00

77 lines
2.6 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os, sys
from glob import glob
from re import sub
def escape(s):
s = s.decode()
lookup = {
'\0': '\\0',
'\t': '\\t',
'\n': '\\n\"\n\"',
'\r': '\\r',
'\\': '\\\\',
'\"': '\\\"',
return "\"\"\n\"{}\"".format(''.join([lookup[x] if x in lookup else x for x in s]))
def chew_filename(t):
return { 'func': "test_{}_fn".format(sub(r'/|\.|-', '_', t)), 'desc': t.split('/')[1] }
def script_to_map(test_file):
r = {"name": chew_filename(test_file)["func"]}
with open(test_file, "rb") as f:
r["script"] = escape(f.read())
with open(test_file + ".exp", "rb") as f:
r["output"] = escape(f.read())
return r
test_function = (
"void {name}(void* data) {{\n"
" static const char pystr[] = {script};\n"
" static const char exp[] = {output};\n"
" upytest_set_expected_output(exp, sizeof(exp) - 1);\n"
" upytest_execute_test(pystr);\n"
testcase_struct = (
"struct testcase_t {name}_tests[] = {{\n{body}\n END_OF_TESTCASES\n}};"
testcase_member = (
" {{ \"{desc}\", {func}, TT_ENABLED_, 0, 0 }},"
testgroup_struct = (
"struct testgroup_t groups[] = {{\n{body}\n END_OF_GROUPS\n}};"
testgroup_member = (
" {{ \"{name}/\", {name}_tests }},"
## XXX: may be we could have `--without <groups>` argument...
# currently these tests are selected because they pass on qemu-arm
test_dirs = ('basics', 'micropython', 'float', 'extmod', 'inlineasm') # 'import', 'io', 'misc')
exclude_tests = (
'float/float2int_doubleprec_intbig.py', # requires double precision floating point to work
'inlineasm/asmfpaddsub.py', 'inlineasm/asmfpcmp.py', 'inlineasm/asmfpldrstr.py', 'inlineasm/asmfpmuldiv.py', 'inlineasm/asmfpsqrt.py',
'extmod/ticks_diff.py', 'extmod/time_ms_us.py', 'extmod/uheapq_timeq.py',
'extmod/vfs_fat_ramdisk.py', 'extmod/vfs_fat_fileio.py', 'extmod/vfs_fat_fsusermount.py', 'extmod/vfs_fat_oldproto.py',
output = []
for group in test_dirs:
tests = [test for test in glob('{}/*.py'.format(group)) if test not in exclude_tests]
output.extend([test_function.format(**script_to_map(test)) for test in tests])
testcase_members = [testcase_member.format(**chew_filename(test)) for test in tests]
output.append(testcase_struct.format(name=group, body='\n'.join(testcase_members)))
testgroup_members = [testgroup_member.format(name=group) for group in test_dirs]
## XXX: may be we could have `--output <filename>` argument...