Oliver Joos a175f98a65 stm32/mboot: Fix fwupdate by replacing zlib with new deflate module.
Since commit 3533924c36 the zlib module has
been replaced by the new deflate module.  This commit updates the script
fwupdate.py to use the new deflate module.

Signed-off-by: Oliver Joos <oliver.joos@hispeed.ch>
2023-09-01 12:39:06 +10:00

266 lines
8.0 KiB

# Update Mboot or MicroPython from a .dfu.gz file on the board's filesystem
# MIT license; Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Damien P. George
from micropython import const
import struct, time
import deflate, machine, stm
# Constants to be used with update_mpy
VFS_LFS1 = 2
VFS_LFS2 = 3
# Constants for creating mboot elements.
_ELEM_TYPE_END = const(1)
_ELEM_TYPE_MOUNT = const(2)
_ELEM_TYPE_FSLOAD = const(3)
_ELEM_TYPE_STATUS = const(4)
def check_mem_contains(addr, buf):
mem8 = stm.mem8
r = range(len(buf))
for off in r:
if mem8[addr + off] != buf[off]:
return False
return True
def dfu_read(filename):
from binascii import crc32
f = open(filename, "rb")
hdr = f.read(3)
if hdr == b"Dfu":
elif hdr == b"\x1f\x8b\x08":
f = deflate.DeflateIO(f, deflate.GZIP)
print("Invalid firmware", filename)
return None
crc = 0
elems = []
hdr = f.read(11)
crc = crc32(hdr, crc)
sig, ver, size, num_targ = struct.unpack("<5sBIB", hdr)
file_offset = 11
for i in range(num_targ):
hdr = f.read(274)
crc = crc32(hdr, crc)
sig, alt, has_name, name, t_size, num_elem = struct.unpack("<6sBi255sII", hdr)
file_offset += 274
file_offset_t = file_offset
for j in range(num_elem):
hdr = f.read(8)
crc = crc32(hdr, crc)
addr, e_size = struct.unpack("<II", hdr)
data = f.read(e_size)
crc = crc32(data, crc)
elems.append((addr, data))
file_offset += 8 + e_size
if t_size != file_offset - file_offset_t:
print("corrupt DFU", t_size, file_offset - file_offset_t)
return None
if size != file_offset:
print("corrupt DFU", size, file_offset)
return None
hdr = f.read(16)
crc = crc32(hdr, crc)
crc = ~crc & 0xFFFFFFFF
if crc != 0:
print("CRC failed", crc)
return None
return elems
class Flash:
_FLASH_KEY1 = 0x45670123
def __init__(self):
import os, uctypes
self.addressof = uctypes.addressof
# Detect MCU.
machine = os.uname().machine
if "STM32F4" in machine or "STM32F7" in machine:
dev_id = stm.mem32[0xE004_2000] & 0xFFF
elif "STM32H7" in machine:
dev_id = stm.mem32[0x5C00_1000] & 0xFFF
dev_id = 0
# Configure flash parameters based on MCU.
if dev_id in (0x413, 0x419, 0x431, 0x434, 0x451, 0x452):
# 0x413: STM32F405/407, STM32F415/417
# 0x419: STM32F42x/43x
# 0x431: STM32F411
# 0x434: STM32F469/479
# 0x451: STM32F76x/77x
# 0x452: STM32F72x/73x
self._keyr = stm.FLASH + stm.FLASH_KEYR
self._sr = stm.FLASH + stm.FLASH_SR
self._sr_busy = 1 << 16
self._cr = stm.FLASH + stm.FLASH_CR
self._cr_lock = 1 << 31
self._cr_init_erase = lambda s: 2 << 8 | s << 3 | 1 << 1 # PSIZE=32-bits, SNB, SER
self._cr_start_erase = 1 << 16 # STRT
self._cr_init_write = 2 << 8 | 1 << 0 # PSIZE=32-bits, PG
self._cr_flush = None
self._write_multiple = 4
if dev_id == 0x451 and stm.mem32[0x1FFF_0008] & 1 << 13: # check nDBANK
# STM32F76x/77x in single-bank mode
self.sector0_size = 32 * 1024
self.sector0_size = 16 * 1024
elif dev_id == 0x450:
# 0x450: STM32H742, STM32H743/753, STM32H750
self._keyr = stm.FLASH + stm.FLASH_KEYR1
self._sr = stm.FLASH + stm.FLASH_SR1
self._sr_busy = 1 << 2 # QW1
self._cr = stm.FLASH + stm.FLASH_CR1
self._cr_lock = 1 << 0 # LOCK1
self._cr_init_erase = lambda s: s << 8 | 3 << 4 | 1 << 2 # SNB1, PSIZE1=64-bits, SER1
self._cr_start_erase = 1 << 7 # START1
self._cr_init_write = 3 << 4 | 1 << 1 # PSIZE1=64-bits, PG1=1
self._cr_flush = 1 << 6 # FW1=1
self._write_multiple = 16
self.sector0_size = 128 * 1024
raise Exception(f"unknown MCU {machine} DEV_ID=0x{dev_id:x}")
def wait_not_busy(self):
while stm.mem32[self._sr] & self._sr_busy:
def unlock(self):
if stm.mem32[self._cr] & self._cr_lock:
stm.mem32[self._keyr] = self._FLASH_KEY1
stm.mem32[self._keyr] = self._FLASH_KEY2
def lock(self):
stm.mem32[self._cr] = self._cr_lock
def erase_sector(self, sector):
stm.mem32[self._cr] = self._cr_init_erase(sector)
stm.mem32[self._cr] |= self._cr_start_erase
stm.mem32[self._cr] = 0
# This method is optimised for speed, to reduce the time data is being written.
def write(self, addr, buf):
assert len(buf) % 4 == 0
mem32 = stm.mem32
buf_addr = self.addressof(buf)
r = range(0, len(buf), 4)
mem32[self._cr] = self._cr_init_write
for off in r:
mem32[addr + off] = mem32[buf_addr + off]
if off % self._write_multiple == 0:
while mem32[self._sr] & self._sr_busy:
if self._cr_flush is not None:
mem32[self._cr] |= self._cr_flush
mem32[self._cr] = 0
def update_mboot(filename):
print("Loading file", filename)
mboot_fw = dfu_read(filename)
if mboot_fw is None:
if len(mboot_fw) != 1:
assert 0
mboot_addr, mboot_fw = mboot_fw[0]
if mboot_addr != 0x08000000:
assert 0
print("Found Mboot data with size %u." % len(mboot_fw))
chk = check_mem_contains(mboot_addr, mboot_fw)
if chk:
print("Supplied version of Mboot is already on device.")
print("Programming Mboot, do not turn off!")
flash = Flash()
irq = machine.disable_irq()
if len(mboot_fw) > flash.sector0_size:
flash.write(mboot_addr, mboot_fw)
print("New Mboot programmed.")
if check_mem_contains(mboot_addr, mboot_fw):
print("Verification of new Mboot succeeded.")
print("Verification of new Mboot FAILED! Try rerunning.")
print("Programming finished, can now reset or turn off.")
def _create_element(kind, body):
return bytes([kind, len(body)]) + body
def update_app_elements(
filename, fs_base, fs_len, fs_type=VFS_FAT, fs_blocksize=0, status_addr=None, addr_64bit=False
# Check firmware is of .dfu or .dfu.gz type
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
hdr = deflate.DeflateIO(f, deflate.GZIP).read(6)
except Exception:
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
hdr = f.read(6)
if hdr != b"DfuSe\x01":
print("Firmware must be a .dfu(.gz) file.")
return ()
if fs_type in (VFS_LFS1, VFS_LFS2) and not fs_blocksize:
raise Exception("littlefs requires fs_blocksize parameter")
mount_point = 1
mount_encoding = "<BBQQL" if addr_64bit else "<BBLLL"
elems = _create_element(
struct.pack(mount_encoding, mount_point, fs_type, fs_base, fs_len, fs_blocksize),
elems += _create_element(
_ELEM_TYPE_FSLOAD, struct.pack("<B", mount_point) + bytes(filename, "ascii")
if status_addr is not None:
# mboot will write 0 to status_addr on success, or a negative number on failure
machine.mem32[status_addr] = 1
elems += _create_element(_ELEM_TYPE_STATUS, struct.pack("<L", status_addr))
elems += _create_element(_ELEM_TYPE_END, b"")
return elems
def update_mpy(*args, **kwargs):
elems = update_app_elements(*args, **kwargs)
if elems: