Damien George 340872cfdd stm32/boards/LEGO_HUB_NO6: Add helper scripts to update app firmware.
Signed-off-by: Damien George <damien@micropython.org>
2022-06-02 15:22:16 +10:00

38 lines
1.3 KiB

# Application firmware update funcion for LEGO_HUB_NO6.
# MIT license; Copyright (c) 2022 Damien P. George
from micropython import const
import struct, machine, fwupdate, spiflash
_SPIFLASH_UPDATE_KEY_ADDR = const(1020 * 1024)
_SPIFLASH_UPDATE_KEY_VALUE = const(0x12345678)
_FILESYSTEM_ADDR = const(0x8000_0000 + 1024 * 1024)
_FILESYSTEM_LEN = const(31 * 1024 * 1024)
def update_app(filename):
print(f"Updating application firmware from {filename}")
# Create the elements for the mboot filesystem-load operation.
elems = fwupdate.update_app_elements(filename, _FILESYSTEM_ADDR, _FILESYSTEM_LEN)
if not elems:
# Create the update key.
key = struct.pack("<I", _SPIFLASH_UPDATE_KEY_VALUE)
# Create a SPI flash object.
spi = machine.SoftSPI(sck="B13", mosi="C3", miso="C2", baudrate=50_000_000)
cs = machine.Pin("B12", machine.Pin.OUT, value=1)
flash = spiflash.SPIFlash(spi, cs)
# Write the update key and elements to the SPI flash.
flash.write(_SPIFLASH_UPDATE_KEY_ADDR, key + elems)
# Enter mboot with a request to do a filesystem-load update.
# If there is a power failure during the update (eg battery removed) then
# mboot will read the SPI flash update key and elements and retry.