# TinyS2 MicroPython Helper Library # 2021 Seon Rozenblum - Unexpected Maker # # Project home: # https://tinys2.io # # 2021-Apr-10 - v0.1 - Initial implementation # Import required libraries from micropython import const from machine import Pin, SPI, ADC import machine, time # TinyS2 Hardware Pin Assignments # Sense Pins VBUS_SENSE = const(21) VBAT_SENSE = const(3) # RGB LED Pins RGB_DATA = const(1) RGB_PWR = const(2) # SPI SPI_MOSI = const(35) SPI_MISO = const(36) SPI_CLK = const(37) # I2C I2C_SDA = const(8) I2C_SCL = const(9) # DAC DAC1 = const(17) DAC2 = const(18) # Helper functions def set_pixel_power(state): """Enable or Disable power to the onboard NeoPixel to either show colour, or to reduce power for deep sleep.""" Pin(RGB_PWR, Pin.OUT).value(state) def get_battery_voltage(): """ Returns the current battery voltage. If no battery is connected, returns 4.2V which is the charge voltage This is an approximation only, but useful to detect if the charge state of the battery is getting low. """ adc = ADC(Pin(VBAT_SENSE)) # Assign the ADC pin to read measuredvbat = adc.read() # Read the value measuredvbat /= 8192 # divide by 8192 as we are using the default ADC voltage range of 0-1V measuredvbat *= 4.2 # Multiply by 4.2V, our reference voltage return round(measuredvbat, 2) def get_vbus_present(): """Detect if VBUS (5V) power source is present""" return Pin(VBUS_SENSE, Pin.IN).value() == 1 # NeoPixel rainbow colour wheel def rgb_color_wheel(wheel_pos): """Color wheel to allow for cycling through the rainbow of RGB colors.""" wheel_pos = wheel_pos % 255 if wheel_pos < 85: return 255 - wheel_pos * 3, 0, wheel_pos * 3 elif wheel_pos < 170: wheel_pos -= 85 return 0, wheel_pos * 3, 255 - wheel_pos * 3 else: wheel_pos -= 170 return wheel_pos * 3, 255 - wheel_pos * 3, 0 # Go into deep sleep but shut down the RGB LED first to save power # Use this if you want lowest deep sleep current def go_deepsleep(t): """Deep sleep helper that also powers down the on-board NeoPixel.""" set_pixel_power(False) machine.deepsleep(t)