#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # This file is part of the MicroPython project, http://micropython.org/ # # The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright (c) 2022 Jim Mussared # Copyright (c) 2019 Damien P. George # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. from __future__ import print_function import contextlib import os import sys import glob import tempfile from collections import namedtuple __all__ = ["ManifestFileError", "ManifestFile"] # Allow freeze*() etc. MODE_FREEZE = 1 # Only allow include/require/module/package. MODE_COMPILE = 2 # Same as compile, but handles require(..., pypi="name") as a requirements.txt entry. MODE_PYPROJECT = 3 # In compile mode, .py -> KIND_COMPILE_AS_MPY # In freeze mode, .py -> KIND_FREEZE_AS_MPY, .mpy->KIND_FREEZE_MPY KIND_AUTO = 1 # Freeze-mode only, .py -> KIND_FREEZE_AS_MPY, .mpy->KIND_FREEZE_MPY KIND_FREEZE_AUTO = 2 # Freeze-mode only, The .py file will be frozen as text. KIND_FREEZE_AS_STR = 3 # Freeze-mode only, The .py file will be compiled and frozen as bytecode. KIND_FREEZE_AS_MPY = 4 # Freeze-mode only, The .mpy file will be frozen directly. KIND_FREEZE_MPY = 5 # Compile mode only, the .py file should be compiled to .mpy. KIND_COMPILE_AS_MPY = 6 # File on the local filesystem. FILE_TYPE_LOCAL = 1 # URL to file. (TODO) FILE_TYPE_HTTP = 2 class ManifestFileError(Exception): pass class ManifestIgnoreException(Exception): pass class ManifestUsePyPIException(Exception): def __init__(self, pypi_name): self.pypi_name = pypi_name # The set of files that this manifest references. ManifestOutput = namedtuple( "ManifestOutput", [ "file_type", # FILE_TYPE_*. "full_path", # The input file full path. "target_path", # The target path on the device. "timestamp", # Last modified date of the input file. "kind", # KIND_*. "metadata", # Metadata for the containing package. "opt", # Optimisation level (or None). ], ) # Represents the metadata for a package. class ManifestPackageMetadata: def __init__(self, is_require=False): self._is_require = is_require self._initialised = False self.version = None self.description = None self.license = None self.author = None # Annotate a package as being from the python standard library. self.stdlib = False # Allows a python-ecosys package to be annotated with the # corresponding name in PyPI. e.g. micropython-lib/requests is based # on pypi/requests. self.pypi = None # For a micropython package, this is the name that we will publish it # to PyPI as. e.g. micropython-lib/senml publishes as # pypi/micropython-senml. self.pypi_publish = None def update( self, mode, description=None, version=None, license=None, author=None, stdlib=False, pypi=None, pypi_publish=None, ): if self._initialised: raise ManifestFileError("Duplicate call to metadata().") # In MODE_PYPROJECT, if this manifest is being evaluated as a result # of a require(), then figure out if it should be replaced by a PyPI # dependency instead. if mode == MODE_PYPROJECT and self._is_require: if stdlib: # No dependency required at all for CPython. raise ManifestIgnoreException if pypi_publish or pypi: # In the case where a package is both based on a PyPI package and # provides one, preference depending on the published one. # (This should be pretty rare). raise ManifestUsePyPIException(pypi_publish or pypi) self.description = description self.version = version self.license = license self.author = author self.pypi = pypi self.pypi_publish = pypi_publish self._initialised = True def check_initialised(self, mode): # Ensure that metadata() is the first thing a manifest.py does. # This is to ensure that we early-exit if it should be replaced by a pypi dependency. if mode in (MODE_COMPILE, MODE_PYPROJECT): if not self._initialised: raise ManifestFileError("metadata() must be the first command in a manifest file.") def __str__(self): return "version={} description={} license={} author={} pypi={} pypi_publish={}".format( self.version, self.description, self.license, self.author, self.pypi, self.pypi_publish ) # Turns a dict of options into a object with attributes used to turn the # kwargs passed to include() and require into the "options" global in the # included manifest. # options = IncludeOptions(foo="bar", blah="stuff") # options.foo # "bar" # options.blah # "stuff" class IncludeOptions: def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._kwargs = kwargs self._defaults = {} def defaults(self, **kwargs): self._defaults = kwargs def __getattr__(self, name): return self._kwargs.get(name, self._defaults.get(name, None)) class ManifestFile: def __init__(self, mode, path_vars=None): # See MODE_* constants above. self._mode = mode # Path substitution variables. self._path_vars = path_vars or {} # List of files (as ManifestFileResult) references by this manifest. self._manifest_files = [] # List of PyPI dependencies (when mode=MODE_PYPROJECT). self._pypi_dependencies = [] # Don't allow including the same file twice. self._visited = set() # Stack of metadata for each level. self._metadata = [ManifestPackageMetadata()] def _resolve_path(self, path): # Convert path to an absolute path, applying variable substitutions. for name, value in self._path_vars.items(): if value is not None: path = path.replace("$({})".format(name), value) return os.path.abspath(path) def _manifest_globals(self, kwargs): # This is the "API" available to a manifest file. g = { "metadata": self.metadata, "include": self.include, "require": self.require, "package": self.package, "module": self.module, "options": IncludeOptions(**kwargs), } # Extra legacy functions only for freeze mode. if self._mode == MODE_FREEZE: g.update( { "freeze": self.freeze, "freeze_as_str": self.freeze_as_str, "freeze_as_mpy": self.freeze_as_mpy, "freeze_mpy": self.freeze_mpy, } ) return g def files(self): return self._manifest_files def pypi_dependencies(self): # In MODE_PYPROJECT, this will return a list suitable for requirements.txt. return self._pypi_dependencies def execute(self, manifest_file): if manifest_file.endswith(".py"): # Execute file from filesystem. self.include(manifest_file) else: # Execute manifest code snippet. try: exec(manifest_file, self._manifest_globals({})) except Exception as er: raise ManifestFileError("Error in manifest: {}".format(er)) def _add_file(self, full_path, target_path, kind=KIND_AUTO, opt=None): # Check file exists and get timestamp. try: stat = os.stat(full_path) timestamp = stat.st_mtime except OSError: raise ManifestFileError("Cannot stat {}".format(full_path)) # Map the AUTO kinds to their actual kind based on mode and extension. _, ext = os.path.splitext(full_path) if self._mode == MODE_FREEZE: if kind in ( KIND_AUTO, KIND_FREEZE_AUTO, ): if ext.lower() == ".py": kind = KIND_FREEZE_AS_MPY elif ext.lower() == ".mpy": kind = KIND_FREEZE_MPY else: if kind != KIND_AUTO: raise ManifestFileError("Not in freeze mode") if ext.lower() != ".py": raise ManifestFileError("Expected .py file") kind = KIND_COMPILE_AS_MPY self._manifest_files.append( ManifestOutput( FILE_TYPE_LOCAL, full_path, target_path, timestamp, kind, self._metadata[-1], opt ) ) def _search(self, base_path, package_path, files, exts, kind, opt=None, strict=False): base_path = self._resolve_path(base_path) if files: # Use explicit list of files (relative to package_path). for file in files: if package_path: file = os.path.join(package_path, file) self._add_file(os.path.join(base_path, file), file, kind=kind, opt=opt) else: if base_path: prev_cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self._resolve_path(base_path)) # Find all candidate files. for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(package_path or ".", followlinks=True): for file in filenames: file = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(dirpath, file), ".") _, ext = os.path.splitext(file) if ext.lower() in exts: self._add_file( os.path.join(base_path, file), file, kind=kind, opt=opt, ) elif strict: raise ManifestFileError("Unexpected file type") if base_path: os.chdir(prev_cwd) def metadata(self, **kwargs): """ From within a manifest file, use this to set the metadata for the package described by current manifest. After executing a manifest file (via execute()), call this to obtain the metadata for the top-level manifest file. See ManifestPackageMetadata.update() for valid kwargs. """ if kwargs: self._metadata[-1].update(self._mode, **kwargs) return self._metadata[-1] def include(self, manifest_path, is_require=False, **kwargs): """ Include another manifest. The manifest argument can be a string (filename) or an iterable of strings. Relative paths are resolved with respect to the current manifest file. If the path is to a directory, then it implicitly includes the manifest.py file inside that directory. Optional kwargs can be provided which will be available to the included script via the `options` variable. e.g. include("path.py", extra_features=True) in path.py: options.defaults(standard_features=True) # freeze minimal modules. if options.standard_features: # freeze standard modules. if options.extra_features: # freeze extra modules. """ if is_require: self._metadata[-1].check_initialised(self._mode) if not isinstance(manifest_path, str): for m in manifest_path: self.include(m, **kwargs) else: manifest_path = self._resolve_path(manifest_path) # Including a directory grabs the manifest.py inside it. if os.path.isdir(manifest_path): manifest_path = os.path.join(manifest_path, "manifest.py") if manifest_path in self._visited: return self._visited.add(manifest_path) if is_require: # This include is the result of require("name"), so push a new # package metadata onto the stack. self._metadata.append(ManifestPackageMetadata(is_require=True)) try: with open(manifest_path) as f: # Make paths relative to this manifest file while processing it. # Applies to includes and input files. prev_cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.dirname(manifest_path)) try: exec(f.read(), self._manifest_globals(kwargs)) finally: os.chdir(prev_cwd) except ManifestIgnoreException: # e.g. MODE_PYPROJECT and this was a stdlib dependency. No-op. pass except ManifestUsePyPIException as e: # e.g. MODE_PYPROJECT and this was a package from # python-ecosys. Add PyPI dependency instead. self._pypi_dependencies.append(e.pypi_name) except Exception as e: raise ManifestFileError("Error in manifest file: {}: {}".format(manifest_path, e)) if is_require: self._metadata.pop() def require(self, name, version=None, unix_ffi=False, pypi=None, **kwargs): """ Require a module by name from micropython-lib. Optionally specify unix_ffi=True to use a module from the unix-ffi directory. Optionally specify pipy="package-name" to indicate that this should use the named package from PyPI when building for CPython. """ self._metadata[-1].check_initialised(self._mode) if self._mode == MODE_PYPROJECT and pypi: # In PYPROJECT mode, allow overriding the PyPI dependency name # explicitly. Otherwise if the dependent package has metadata # (pypi_publish) or metadata(pypi) we will use that. self._pypi_dependencies.append(pypi) return if self._path_vars["MPY_LIB_DIR"]: lib_dirs = ["micropython", "python-stdlib", "python-ecosys"] if unix_ffi: # Search unix-ffi only if unix_ffi=True, and make unix-ffi modules # take precedence. lib_dirs = ["unix-ffi"] + lib_dirs for lib_dir in lib_dirs: # Search for {lib_dir}/**/{name}/manifest.py. for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk( os.path.join(self._path_vars["MPY_LIB_DIR"], lib_dir) ): if os.path.basename(root) == name and "manifest.py" in filenames: self.include(root, is_require=True, **kwargs) return raise ValueError("Library not found in local micropython-lib: {}".format(name)) else: # TODO: HTTP request to obtain URLs from manifest.json. raise ValueError("micropython-lib not available for require('{}').", name) def package(self, package_path, files=None, base_path=".", opt=None): """ Define a package, optionally restricting to a set of files. Simple case, a package in the current directory: package("foo") will include all .py files in foo, and will be stored as foo/bar/baz.py. If the package isn't in the current directory, use base_path: package("foo", base_path="src") To restrict to certain files in the package use files (note: paths should be relative to the package): package("foo", files=["bar/baz.py"]) """ self._metadata[-1].check_initialised(self._mode) # Include "base_path/package_path/**/*.py" --> "package_path/**/*.py" self._search(base_path, package_path, files, exts=(".py",), kind=KIND_AUTO, opt=opt) def module(self, module_path, base_path=".", opt=None): """ Include a single Python file as a module. If the file is in the current directory: module("foo.py") Otherwise use base_path to locate the file: module("foo.py", "src/drivers") """ self._metadata[-1].check_initialised(self._mode) # Include "base_path/module_path" --> "module_path" base_path = self._resolve_path(base_path) _, ext = os.path.splitext(module_path) if ext.lower() != ".py": raise ManifestFileError("module must be .py file") # TODO: version None self._add_file(os.path.join(base_path, module_path), module_path, opt=opt) def _freeze_internal(self, path, script, exts, kind, opt): if script is None: self._search(path, None, None, exts=exts, kind=kind, opt=opt) elif isinstance(script, str) and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, script)): self._search(path, script, None, exts=exts, kind=kind, opt=opt) elif not isinstance(script, str): self._search(path, None, script, exts=exts, kind=kind, opt=opt) else: self._search(path, None, (script,), exts=exts, kind=kind, opt=opt) def freeze(self, path, script=None, opt=None): """ Freeze the input, automatically determining its type. A .py script will be compiled to a .mpy first then frozen, and a .mpy file will be frozen directly. `path` must be a directory, which is the base directory to _search for files from. When importing the resulting frozen modules, the name of the module will start after `path`, ie `path` is excluded from the module name. If `path` is relative, it is resolved to the current manifest.py. Use $(MPY_DIR), $(MPY_LIB_DIR), $(PORT_DIR), $(BOARD_DIR) if you need to access specific paths. If `script` is None all files in `path` will be frozen. If `script` is an iterable then freeze() is called on all items of the iterable (with the same `path` and `opt` passed through). If `script` is a string then it specifies the file or directory to freeze, and can include extra directories before the file or last directory. The file or directory will be _searched for in `path`. If `script` is a directory then all files in that directory will be frozen. `opt` is the optimisation level to pass to mpy-cross when compiling .py to .mpy. """ self._freeze_internal( path, script, exts=( ".py", ".mpy", ), kind=KIND_FREEZE_AUTO, opt=opt, ) def freeze_as_str(self, path): """ Freeze the given `path` and all .py scripts within it as a string, which will be compiled upon import. """ self._search(path, None, None, exts=(".py",), kind=KIND_FREEZE_AS_STR) def freeze_as_mpy(self, path, script=None, opt=None): """ Freeze the input (see above) by first compiling the .py scripts to .mpy files, then freezing the resulting .mpy files. """ self._freeze_internal(path, script, exts=(".py",), kind=KIND_FREEZE_AS_MPY, opt=opt) def freeze_mpy(self, path, script=None, opt=None): """ Freeze the input (see above), which must be .mpy files that are frozen directly. """ self._freeze_internal(path, script, exts=(".mpy",), kind=KIND_FREEZE_MPY, opt=opt) # Generate a temporary file with a line appended to the end that adds __version__. @contextlib.contextmanager def tagged_py_file(path, metadata): dest_fd, dest_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".py", text=True) try: with os.fdopen(dest_fd, "w") as dest: with open(path, "r") as src: contents = src.read() dest.write(contents) # Don't overwrite a version definition if the file already has one in it. if metadata.version and "__version__ =" not in contents: dest.write("\n\n__version__ = {}\n".format(repr(metadata.version))) yield dest_path finally: os.unlink(dest_path) def main(): import argparse cmd_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="List the files referenced by a manifest.") cmd_parser.add_argument("--freeze", action="store_true", help="freeze mode") cmd_parser.add_argument("--compile", action="store_true", help="compile mode") cmd_parser.add_argument("--pyproject", action="store_true", help="pyproject mode") cmd_parser.add_argument( "--lib", default=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../lib/micropython-lib"), help="path to micropython-lib repo", ) cmd_parser.add_argument("--port", default=None, help="path to port dir") cmd_parser.add_argument("--board", default=None, help="path to board dir") cmd_parser.add_argument( "--top", default=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."), help="path to micropython repo", ) cmd_parser.add_argument("files", nargs="+", help="input manifest.py") args = cmd_parser.parse_args() path_vars = { "MPY_DIR": os.path.abspath(args.top) if args.top else None, "BOARD_DIR": os.path.abspath(args.board) if args.board else None, "PORT_DIR": os.path.abspath(args.port) if args.port else None, "MPY_LIB_DIR": os.path.abspath(args.lib) if args.lib else None, } mode = None if args.freeze: mode = MODE_FREEZE elif args.compile: mode = MODE_COMPILE elif args.pyproject: mode = MODE_PYPROJECT else: print("Error: No mode specified.", file=sys.stderr) exit(1) m = ManifestFile(mode, path_vars) for manifest_file in args.files: try: m.execute(manifest_file) except ManifestFileError as er: print(er, file=sys.stderr) exit(1) print(m.metadata()) for f in m.files(): print(f) if mode == MODE_PYPROJECT: for r in m.pypi_dependencies(): print("pypi-require:", r) if __name__ == "__main__": main()