#!/usr/bin/env python from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple import os import re import sys sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../../../tools")) import boardgen # Must have matching entries in AF_FN_* enum in ../pin_defs_stm32.h SUPPORTED_AF = { "TIM": ["CH1", "CH2", "CH3", "CH4", "CH1N", "CH2N", "CH3N", "CH1_ETR", "ETR", "BKIN"], "I2C": ["SDA", "SCL"], "I2S": ["CK", "MCK", "SD", "WS", "EXTSD"], "USART": ["RX", "TX", "CTS", "RTS", "CK"], "UART": ["RX", "TX", "CTS", "RTS"], "LPUART": ["RX", "TX", "CTS", "RTS"], "SPI": ["NSS", "SCK", "MISO", "MOSI"], "SDMMC": ["CK", "CMD", "D0", "D1", "D2", "D3"], "CAN": ["TX", "RX"], } # Only make these AFs available if we actually enable those peripherals (by # assigning default pins in mpconfigboard.h). CONDITIONAL_VAR = { "I2C": "MICROPY_HW_I2C{num}_SCL", "I2S": "MICROPY_HW_I2S{num}", "SPI": "MICROPY_HW_SPI{num}_SCK", "UART": "MICROPY_HW_UART{num}_TX", "LPUART": "MICROPY_HW_LPUART{num}_TX", "USART": "MICROPY_HW_UART{num}_TX", "SDMMC": "MICROPY_HW_SDMMC{num}_CK", "CAN": "MICROPY_HW_CAN{num}_TX", } # Contains the result of parsing an cell from af.csv. PinAf = namedtuple( "PinAf", [ "af_idx", # int, 0-15 "af_fn", # e.g. "I2C" "af_unit", # int, e.g. 1 (for I2C1) or None (for OTG_HS_ULPI_CK) "af_pin", # e.g. "SDA" "af_supported", # bool, see table above "af_name", # e.g. "I2C1_SDA" ], ) # Only support ADC1, ADC2, ADC3 for now (e.g. cannot support ADC4 & ADC5 on # STM32G4). MIN_ADC_UNIT = 1 MAX_ADC_UNIT = 3 class Stm32Pin(boardgen.Pin): def __init__(self, cpu_pin_name): super().__init__(cpu_pin_name) # P (already verified by validate_cpu_pin_name). self._port = cpu_pin_name[1] self._pin = int(cpu_pin_name[2:]) # List of PinAf instances. self._afs = [] # The channel that this pin uses on each of the listed units. self._adc_channel = 0 # e.g. ADC123 -> [1,2,3] self._adc_units = [] # Called for each AF defined in the csv file for this pin. e.g. "SPI2_NSS/I2S2_WS" def add_af(self, af_idx, af_name, af): if af_idx > 16: # The AF csv files should not have more than 16 AFs + 1 ADC list. return # AF 16 is the ADC, which is special cased below. if af_idx == 16: if af_name != "ADC": raise boardgen.PinGeneratorError( "Invalid AF column name '{:s}' for ADC column with index {:d}.".format( af_name, af_idx ) ) return self.add_adc(af) if af_name != "AF{:d}".format(af_idx): raise boardgen.PinGeneratorError( "Invalid AF column name '{:s}' for AF index {:d}.".format(af_name, af_idx) ) # If there is a slash, then the slash separates multiple aliases for # the same alternate function. for af_name in af.split("/"): if not af_name.strip(): continue # This matches _, with consideration for: # - fn may contain a digit (e.g. I2C) # - there may be an "ext" after the unit m = re.match("([A-Z0-9]+[A-Z])(([0-9]+)(ext)?)?(_(.*))?", af_name) if not m: raise boardgen.PinGeneratorError( "Invalid af '{:s}' for pin '{:s}'".format(af_name, self.name()) ) else: af_fn = m.group(1) af_unit = int(m.group(3)) if m.group(3) is not None else None af_ext = m.group(4) == "ext" af_pin = m.group(6) # Special case. We change I2S2ext_SD into I2S2_EXTSD so that it parses # the same way the other peripherals do. if af_ext: af_pin = "EXT" + af_pin af_supported = af_fn in SUPPORTED_AF and af_pin in SUPPORTED_AF[af_fn] self._afs.append(PinAf(af_idx, af_fn, af_unit, af_pin, af_supported, af_name)) # ADCs are slash separated "ADC_", where unit=1,2,3,4,5 and mode=IN,INN,INP def add_adc(self, adc): if not adc.strip(): return # TODO: This needs to be improved to support the case where a pin can # be the P for one channel, and the N for a different channel. # e.g. "ADC123_INP12/ADC123_INN11". for adc_name in adc.split("/"): if adc_name.startswith("C_"): # Currently unsupported, H7 dual-pad. The C_ADC entries should # only be available directly from machine.ADC (not via the pin # object). continue m = re.match("ADC([1-5]+)_(IN[NP]?)([0-9]+)$", adc_name) if not m: raise boardgen.PinGeneratorError( "Invalid adc '{:s}' for pin '{:s}'".format(adc_name, self.name()) ) adc_units = [int(x) for x in m.group(1) if MIN_ADC_UNIT <= int(x) <= MAX_ADC_UNIT] adc_mode = m.group(2) if adc_mode == "INN": # On H7 we have INN/INP, all other parts use IN only. Only use # IN or INP channels. continue adc_channel = int(m.group(3)) # Pick the entry with the most ADC units, e.g. "ADC1_INP16/ADC12_INN1/ADC12_INP0" --> "ADC12_INN1". if len(adc_units) > len(self._adc_units): self._adc_units = adc_units self._adc_channel = adc_channel # STM32-specific behavior, strip the "P" from the start of the name when emitting this pin. # e.g. the #define is pin_A11 not pin_PA11. Fortunately we don't have to special case this # as there are no places where emit the full "PA11" name. def name(self): return self._cpu_pin_name[1:] # Use the PIN() macro defined in stm32f4xx_prefix.c for defining the pin # objects. def definition(self): # Generate bitfield of supported ADC units where lsb is unit 1 (e.g. [1,3] --> 0b101). adc_units_bitfield = ( " | ".join("PIN_ADC{}".format(unit) for unit in self._adc_units) or "0" ) # PIN(p_port, p_pin, p_af, p_adc_num, p_adc_channel) return "PIN({:s}, {:d}, pin_{:s}_af, {:s}, {:d})".format( self._port, self._pin, self.name(), adc_units_bitfield, self._adc_channel ) # This will be called at the start of the output (after the prefix). Use # it to emit the af objects (via the AF() macro). def print_source(self, out_source): print(file=out_source) print("const pin_af_obj_t pin_{:s}_af[] = {{".format(self.name()), file=out_source) for af in self._afs: if af.af_fn in CONDITIONAL_VAR: print( " #if defined({:s})".format( CONDITIONAL_VAR[af.af_fn].format(num=af.af_unit) ), file=out_source, ) if af.af_supported: print(" ", end="", file=out_source) else: print(" // ", end="", file=out_source) # AF(af_idx, af_fn, af_unit, af_type, af_ptr) print( "AF({:d}, {:s}, {:d}, {:s}, {:s}{:s}), // {:s}".format( af.af_idx, af.af_fn, af.af_unit or 0, af.af_pin or "NONE", af.af_fn, "" if af.af_unit is None else str(af.af_unit), af.af_name, ), file=out_source, ) if af.af_fn in CONDITIONAL_VAR: print(" #endif", file=out_source) print("};", file=out_source) # STM32 cpu names must be "P". @staticmethod def validate_cpu_pin_name(cpu_pin_name): boardgen.Pin.validate_cpu_pin_name(cpu_pin_name) if not re.match("P[A-K][0-9]+$", cpu_pin_name): raise boardgen.PinGeneratorError("Invalid cpu pin name '{}'".format(cpu_pin_name)) class Stm32PinGenerator(boardgen.PinGenerator): def __init__(self): # Use custom pin type above, and also enable the --af-csv argument so # that add_af gets called on each pin. super().__init__( pin_type=Stm32Pin, enable_af=True, ) # STM32-specific behavior, we use pin_A0 for the cpu names, but # pyb_pin_X11 for the board names. def board_name_define_prefix(self): return "pyb_" # Override the default implementation just to change the default arguments # (extra header row, skip first column). def parse_af_csv(self, filename): return super().parse_af_csv(filename, header_rows=2, pin_col=1, af_col=2) # Find which ADCs are used on this chip and on how many pins and the # maximum channel number for each. def count_adc_pins(self): adc_units = defaultdict(lambda: (0, 0)) for pin in self._pins: # All pins for unit in pin._adc_units: num, max_channel = adc_units[unit] if pin._available: adc_units[unit] = num + 1, max(max_channel, pin._adc_channel) return adc_units.items() # Print table of pins for each ADC (indexed by channel). def print_adcs(self, out_source): for adc_unit, (num_pins, max_channel) in self.count_adc_pins(): print(file=out_source) print( "const machine_pin_obj_t * const pin_adc{:d}[{:d}] = {{".format( adc_unit, max_channel + 1 ), file=out_source, ) # Don't include pins that weren't in pins.csv. for pin in self.available_pins(): if pin._hidden: continue if adc_unit in pin._adc_units: print( " [{:d}] = {:s},".format(pin._adc_channel, self._cpu_pin_pointer(pin)), file=out_source, ) print("};", file=out_source) # Print externs for the adc pin tables. def print_adc_externs(self, out_source): print(file=out_source) for adc_unit, (num_pins, max_channel) in self.count_adc_pins(): print( "extern const machine_pin_obj_t * const pin_adc{:d}[{:d}];".format( adc_unit, max_channel + 1 ), file=out_source, ) # Append ADC definitions to the end of the source output. def print_source(self, out_source): super().print_source(out_source) self.print_adcs(out_source) # Append ADC externs to the end of the header output, and don't include # externs in mboot mode. def print_header(self, out_header): if self.args.mboot_mode: self.print_defines(out_header, cpu=False) else: super().print_header(out_header) self.print_adc_externs(out_header) # This is a set of map entries `MP_QSTR_AF_` -> `GPIO_AF_` # that become part of the locals dict of machine.Pin. def print_af_const(self, out_af_const): # Extract all unique "AF_" values. names = set() for pin in self.available_pins(): for af in pin._afs: if not af.af_supported: continue key = ( "AF{:d}_{:s}{:d}".format(af.af_idx, af.af_fn, af.af_unit), af.af_fn, af.af_unit, ) names.add(key) # Generate the table. for key in sorted(names): name, af_fn, af_unit = key if af_fn in CONDITIONAL_VAR: print( " #if defined({:s})".format(CONDITIONAL_VAR[af_fn].format(num=af_unit)), file=out_af_const, ) print( " {{ MP_ROM_QSTR(MP_QSTR_{:s}), MP_ROM_INT(GPIO_{:s}) }},".format(name, name), file=out_af_const, ) if af_fn in CONDITIONAL_VAR: print(" #endif", file=out_af_const) # Output macros to compile-time match a pin object to its AF. See # mp_hal_pin_config_alt_static and mp_hal_pin_config_alt_static_speed in # pin_static_af.h. def print_af_defs(self, out_af_defs): # Get the set of unique "_" (e.g. I2C1_SDA) and which # pins can be used for each. af_defs = defaultdict(list) for pin in self._pins: for af in pin._afs: key = af.af_fn, af.af_unit, af.af_pin af_defs[key].append((pin, af.af_idx)) # Emit a macro for each that will match a pin object to the # corresponding af index for that pin doing that function. for key, pins in af_defs.items(): af_fn, af_unit, af_pin = key print(file=out_af_defs) print( "#define STATIC_AF_{:s}{:s}_{:s}(pin_obj) ( \\".format( af_fn, "" if af_unit is None else str(af_unit), af_pin or "NULL" ), file=out_af_defs, ) for pin, af_idx in pins: if self.args.mboot_mode: print( " ((pin_obj) == (pin_{:s})) ? ({:d}) : \\".format(pin.name(), af_idx), file=out_af_defs, ) else: # Match either "(pin_A11_obj)" (if using pin_A11 or # pyb_pin_X11) or "((pin_A11_obj))" (if going via another # macro e.g. MICROPY_HW_QSPIFLASH_CS). # TODO: Why do we need do do string matching? (i.e. why can't the mboot behavior be used always?). print( ' ((strcmp( #pin_obj , "(&pin_{:s}_obj)") & strcmp( #pin_obj , "((&pin_{:s}_obj))")) == 0) ? ({:d}) : \\'.format( pin.name(), pin.name(), af_idx ), file=out_af_defs, ) print(" (0xffffffffffffffffULL))", file=out_af_defs) # Additional stm32-specific outputs that will be written in # generate_extra_files(). def extra_args(self, parser): parser.add_argument("--output-af-const") parser.add_argument("--output-af-defs") # In mboot mode the af-defs use object rather than string comparison, # and we don't include externs in the header file. parser.add_argument("--mboot-mode", action="store_true") # Called in main() after everything else is done to write additional files. def generate_extra_files(self): if self.args.output_af_const: with open(self.args.output_af_const, "w") as out_af_const: self.print_af_const(out_af_const) if self.args.output_af_defs: with open(self.args.output_af_defs, "w") as out_af_defs: self.print_af_defs(out_af_defs) if __name__ == "__main__": Stm32PinGenerator().main()