#include #include #include "misc.h" #include "mpconfig.h" #include "qstr.h" #include "misc.h" #include "obj.h" #include "pybstdio.h" #include "readline.h" #include "usb.h" #define READLINE_HIST_SIZE (8) static const char *readline_hist[READLINE_HIST_SIZE] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}; enum { ESC_PLAIN = 1, ESC_BRACKET, ESC_BRACKET_DIGIT, ESC_O }; void readline_init(void) { memset(readline_hist, 0, READLINE_HIST_SIZE * sizeof(const char*)); } STATIC char *str_dup(const char *str) { uint32_t len = strlen(str); char *s2 = m_new(char, len + 1); memcpy(s2, str, len); s2[len] = 0; return s2; } int readline(vstr_t *line, const char *prompt) { stdout_tx_str(prompt); int orig_line_len = line->len; int escape_seq = 0; char escape_seq_buf[1] = {0}; int hist_cur = -1; int cursor_pos = orig_line_len; for (;;) { int c = stdin_rx_chr(); int last_line_len = line->len; int redraw_step_back = 0; bool redraw_from_cursor = false; int redraw_step_forward = 0; if (escape_seq == 0) { if (VCP_CHAR_CTRL_A <= c && c <= VCP_CHAR_CTRL_D && vstr_len(line) == orig_line_len) { // control character with empty line return c; } else if (c == VCP_CHAR_CTRL_A) { // CTRL-A with non-empty line is go-to-start-of-line redraw_step_back = cursor_pos - orig_line_len; } else if (c == VCP_CHAR_CTRL_E) { // CTRL-E is go-to-end-of-line redraw_step_forward = line->len - cursor_pos; } else if (c == '\r') { // newline stdout_tx_str("\r\n"); if (line->len > orig_line_len && (readline_hist[0] == NULL || strcmp(readline_hist[0], line->buf + orig_line_len) != 0)) { // a line which is not empty and different from the last one // so update the history for (int i = READLINE_HIST_SIZE - 1; i > 0; i--) { readline_hist[i] = readline_hist[i - 1]; } readline_hist[0] = str_dup(line->buf + orig_line_len); } return 0; } else if (c == 27) { // escape sequence escape_seq = ESC_PLAIN; } else if (c == 8 || c == 127) { // backspace/delete if (cursor_pos > orig_line_len) { vstr_cut_out_bytes(line, cursor_pos - 1, 1); // set redraw parameters redraw_step_back = 1; redraw_from_cursor = true; } } else if (32 <= c && c <= 126) { // printable character vstr_ins_char(line, cursor_pos, c); // set redraw parameters redraw_from_cursor = true; redraw_step_forward = 1; } } else if (escape_seq == ESC_PLAIN) { switch (c) { case '[': escape_seq = ESC_BRACKET; break; case 'O': escape_seq = ESC_O; break; default: escape_seq = 0; } } else if (escape_seq == ESC_BRACKET) { if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') { escape_seq = ESC_BRACKET_DIGIT; escape_seq_buf[0] = c; } else { escape_seq = 0; if (c == 'A') { // up arrow if (hist_cur + 1 < READLINE_HIST_SIZE && readline_hist[hist_cur + 1] != NULL) { // increase hist num hist_cur += 1; // set line to history line->len = orig_line_len; vstr_add_str(line, readline_hist[hist_cur]); // set redraw parameters redraw_step_back = cursor_pos - orig_line_len; redraw_from_cursor = true; redraw_step_forward = line->len - orig_line_len; } } else if (c == 'B') { // down arrow if (hist_cur >= 0) { // decrease hist num hist_cur -= 1; // set line to history vstr_cut_tail_bytes(line, line->len - orig_line_len); if (hist_cur >= 0) { vstr_add_str(line, readline_hist[hist_cur]); } // set redraw parameters redraw_step_back = cursor_pos - orig_line_len; redraw_from_cursor = true; redraw_step_forward = line->len - orig_line_len; } } else if (c == 'C') { // right arrow if (cursor_pos < line->len) { redraw_step_forward = 1; } } else if (c == 'D') { // left arrow if (cursor_pos > orig_line_len) { redraw_step_back = 1; } } } } else if (escape_seq == ESC_BRACKET_DIGIT) { if (c == '~') { if (escape_seq_buf[0] == '1' || escape_seq_buf[0] == '7') { home_key: redraw_step_back = cursor_pos - orig_line_len; } else if (escape_seq_buf[0] == '4' || escape_seq_buf[0] == '8') { end_key: redraw_step_forward = line->len - cursor_pos; } } escape_seq = 0; } else if (escape_seq == ESC_O) { switch (c) { case 'H': goto home_key; case 'F': goto end_key; default: escape_seq = 0; } } else { escape_seq = 0; } // redraw command prompt, efficiently // TODO we can probably use some more sophisticated VT100 commands here if (redraw_step_back > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < redraw_step_back; i++) { stdout_tx_str("\b"); } cursor_pos -= redraw_step_back; } if (redraw_from_cursor) { if (line->len < last_line_len) { // erase old chars for (int i = cursor_pos; i < last_line_len; i++) { stdout_tx_str(" "); } // step back for (int i = cursor_pos; i < last_line_len; i++) { stdout_tx_str("\b"); } } // draw new chars stdout_tx_strn(line->buf + cursor_pos, line->len - cursor_pos); // move cursor forward if needed (already moved forward by length of line, so move it back) for (int i = cursor_pos + redraw_step_forward; i < line->len; i++) { stdout_tx_str("\b"); } cursor_pos += redraw_step_forward; } else if (redraw_step_forward > 0) { // draw over old chars to move cursor forwards stdout_tx_strn(line->buf + cursor_pos, redraw_step_forward); cursor_pos += redraw_step_forward; } HAL_Delay(1); } }