/* * This file is part of the MicroPython project, http://micropython.org/ * * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Damien P. George * Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Jim Mussared * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "py/runtime.h" #include "py/mperrno.h" #include "py/mphal.h" #if MICROPY_PY_BLUETOOTH #include #include #include "extmod/modbluetooth.h" #define DEBUG_printf(...) // printk("BLE: " __VA_ARGS__) #define BLE_HCI_SCAN_ITVL_MIN 0x10 #define BLE_HCI_SCAN_ITVL_MAX 0xffff #define BLE_HCI_SCAN_WINDOW_MIN 0x10 #define BLE_HCI_SCAN_WINDOW_MAX 0xffff #define ERRNO_BLUETOOTH_NOT_ACTIVE MP_ENODEV enum { MP_BLUETOOTH_ZEPHYR_BLE_STATE_OFF, MP_BLUETOOTH_ZEPHYR_BLE_STATE_ACTIVE, MP_BLUETOOTH_ZEPHYR_BLE_STATE_SUSPENDED, }; enum { MP_BLUETOOTH_ZEPHYR_GAP_SCAN_STATE_INACTIVE, MP_BLUETOOTH_ZEPHYR_GAP_SCAN_STATE_DEACTIVATING, MP_BLUETOOTH_ZEPHYR_GAP_SCAN_STATE_ACTIVE, }; typedef struct _mp_bluetooth_zephyr_root_pointers_t { // Characteristic (and descriptor) value storage. mp_gatts_db_t gatts_db; } mp_bluetooth_zephyr_root_pointers_t; STATIC int mp_bluetooth_zephyr_ble_state; #if MICROPY_PY_BLUETOOTH_ENABLE_CENTRAL_MODE STATIC int mp_bluetooth_zephyr_gap_scan_state; STATIC struct k_timer mp_bluetooth_zephyr_gap_scan_timer; STATIC struct bt_le_scan_cb mp_bluetooth_zephyr_gap_scan_cb_struct; #endif STATIC int bt_err_to_errno(int err) { // Zephyr uses errno codes directly, but they are negative. return -err; } // modbluetooth (and the layers above it) work in BE for addresses, Zephyr works in LE. STATIC void reverse_addr_byte_order(uint8_t *addr_out, const bt_addr_le_t *addr_in) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { addr_out[i] = addr_in->a.val[5 - i]; } } #if MICROPY_PY_BLUETOOTH_ENABLE_CENTRAL_MODE void gap_scan_cb_recv(const struct bt_le_scan_recv_info *info, struct net_buf_simple *buf) { DEBUG_printf("gap_scan_cb_recv: adv_type=%d\n", info->adv_type); if (!mp_bluetooth_is_active()) { return; } if (mp_bluetooth_zephyr_gap_scan_state != MP_BLUETOOTH_ZEPHYR_GAP_SCAN_STATE_ACTIVE) { return; } uint8_t addr[6]; reverse_addr_byte_order(addr, info->addr); mp_bluetooth_gap_on_scan_result(info->addr->type, addr, info->adv_type, info->rssi, buf->data, buf->len); } STATIC mp_obj_t gap_scan_stop(mp_obj_t unused) { (void)unused; mp_bluetooth_gap_scan_stop(); return mp_const_none; } STATIC MP_DEFINE_CONST_FUN_OBJ_1(gap_scan_stop_obj, gap_scan_stop); void gap_scan_cb_timeout(struct k_timer *timer_id) { DEBUG_printf("gap_scan_cb_timeout\n"); // Cannot call bt_le_scan_stop from a timer callback because this callback may be // preempting the BT stack. So schedule it to be called from the main thread. while (!mp_sched_schedule(MP_OBJ_FROM_PTR(&gap_scan_stop_obj), mp_const_none)) { k_yield(); } // Indicate scanning has stopped so that no more scan result events are generated // (they may still come in until bt_le_scan_stop is called by gap_scan_stop). mp_bluetooth_zephyr_gap_scan_state = MP_BLUETOOTH_ZEPHYR_GAP_SCAN_STATE_DEACTIVATING; } #endif int mp_bluetooth_init(void) { DEBUG_printf("mp_bluetooth_init\n"); // Clean up if necessary. mp_bluetooth_deinit(); // Allocate memory for state. MP_STATE_PORT(bluetooth_zephyr_root_pointers) = m_new0(mp_bluetooth_zephyr_root_pointers_t, 1); mp_bluetooth_gatts_db_create(&MP_STATE_PORT(bluetooth_zephyr_root_pointers)->gatts_db); #if MICROPY_PY_BLUETOOTH_ENABLE_CENTRAL_MODE mp_bluetooth_zephyr_gap_scan_state = MP_BLUETOOTH_ZEPHYR_GAP_SCAN_STATE_INACTIVE; k_timer_init(&mp_bluetooth_zephyr_gap_scan_timer, gap_scan_cb_timeout, NULL); mp_bluetooth_zephyr_gap_scan_cb_struct.recv = gap_scan_cb_recv; mp_bluetooth_zephyr_gap_scan_cb_struct.timeout = NULL; // currently not implemented in Zephyr bt_le_scan_cb_register(&mp_bluetooth_zephyr_gap_scan_cb_struct); #endif if (mp_bluetooth_zephyr_ble_state == MP_BLUETOOTH_ZEPHYR_BLE_STATE_OFF) { // bt_enable can only be called once. int ret = bt_enable(NULL); if (ret) { return bt_err_to_errno(ret); } } mp_bluetooth_zephyr_ble_state = MP_BLUETOOTH_ZEPHYR_BLE_STATE_ACTIVE; DEBUG_printf("mp_bluetooth_init: ready\n"); return 0; } void mp_bluetooth_deinit(void) { DEBUG_printf("mp_bluetooth_deinit %d\n", mp_bluetooth_zephyr_ble_state); if (mp_bluetooth_zephyr_ble_state == MP_BLUETOOTH_ZEPHYR_BLE_STATE_OFF || mp_bluetooth_zephyr_ble_state == MP_BLUETOOTH_ZEPHYR_BLE_STATE_SUSPENDED) { return; } mp_bluetooth_gap_advertise_stop(); #if MICROPY_PY_BLUETOOTH_ENABLE_CENTRAL_MODE mp_bluetooth_gap_scan_stop(); bt_le_scan_cb_unregister(&mp_bluetooth_zephyr_gap_scan_cb_struct); #endif // There is no way to turn off the BT stack in Zephyr, so just set the // state as suspended so it can be correctly reactivated later. mp_bluetooth_zephyr_ble_state = MP_BLUETOOTH_ZEPHYR_BLE_STATE_SUSPENDED; MP_STATE_PORT(bluetooth_zephyr_root_pointers) = NULL; } bool mp_bluetooth_is_active(void) { return mp_bluetooth_zephyr_ble_state == MP_BLUETOOTH_ZEPHYR_BLE_STATE_ACTIVE; } void mp_bluetooth_get_current_address(uint8_t *addr_type, uint8_t *addr) { if (!mp_bluetooth_is_active()) { mp_raise_OSError(ERRNO_BLUETOOTH_NOT_ACTIVE); } bt_addr_le_t le_addr; size_t count = 1; bt_id_get(&le_addr, &count); if (count == 0) { mp_raise_OSError(EIO); } reverse_addr_byte_order(addr, &le_addr); *addr_type = le_addr.type; } void mp_bluetooth_set_address_mode(uint8_t addr_mode) { // TODO: implement } size_t mp_bluetooth_gap_get_device_name(const uint8_t **buf) { const char *name = bt_get_name(); *buf = (const uint8_t *)name; return strlen(name); } int mp_bluetooth_gap_set_device_name(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len) { char tmp_buf[CONFIG_BT_DEVICE_NAME_MAX + 1]; if (len + 1 > sizeof(tmp_buf)) { return MP_EINVAL; } memcpy(tmp_buf, buf, len); tmp_buf[len] = '\0'; return bt_err_to_errno(bt_set_name(tmp_buf)); } // Zephyr takes advertising/scan data as an array of (type, len, payload) packets, // and this function constructs such an array from raw advertising/scan data. STATIC void mp_bluetooth_prepare_bt_data(const uint8_t *data, size_t len, struct bt_data *bt_data, size_t *bt_len) { size_t i = 0; const uint8_t *d = data; while (d < data + len && i < *bt_len) { bt_data[i].type = d[1]; bt_data[i].data_len = d[0] - 1; bt_data[i].data = &d[2]; i += 1; d += 1 + d[0]; } *bt_len = i; } int mp_bluetooth_gap_advertise_start(bool connectable, int32_t interval_us, const uint8_t *adv_data, size_t adv_data_len, const uint8_t *sr_data, size_t sr_data_len) { if (!mp_bluetooth_is_active()) { return ERRNO_BLUETOOTH_NOT_ACTIVE; } mp_bluetooth_gap_advertise_stop(); struct bt_data bt_ad_data[8]; size_t bt_ad_len = 0; if (adv_data) { bt_ad_len = MP_ARRAY_SIZE(bt_ad_data); mp_bluetooth_prepare_bt_data(adv_data, adv_data_len, bt_ad_data, &bt_ad_len); } struct bt_data bt_sd_data[8]; size_t bt_sd_len = 0; if (sr_data) { bt_sd_len = MP_ARRAY_SIZE(bt_sd_data); mp_bluetooth_prepare_bt_data(sr_data, sr_data_len, bt_sd_data, &bt_sd_len); } struct bt_le_adv_param param = { .id = 0, .sid = 0, .secondary_max_skip = 0, .options = (connectable ? BT_LE_ADV_OPT_CONNECTABLE : 0) | BT_LE_ADV_OPT_ONE_TIME | BT_LE_ADV_OPT_USE_IDENTITY | BT_LE_ADV_OPT_SCANNABLE, .interval_min = interval_us / 625, .interval_max = interval_us / 625 + 1, // min/max cannot be the same value .peer = NULL, }; return bt_err_to_errno(bt_le_adv_start(¶m, bt_ad_data, bt_ad_len, bt_sd_data, bt_sd_len)); } void mp_bluetooth_gap_advertise_stop(void) { // Note: bt_le_adv_stop returns 0 if adv is already stopped. int ret = bt_le_adv_stop(); if (ret != 0) { mp_raise_OSError(bt_err_to_errno(ret)); } } int mp_bluetooth_gatts_register_service_begin(bool append) { if (!mp_bluetooth_is_active()) { return ERRNO_BLUETOOTH_NOT_ACTIVE; } if (append) { // Don't support append yet (modbluetooth.c doesn't support it yet anyway). return MP_EOPNOTSUPP; } // Reset the gatt characteristic value db. mp_bluetooth_gatts_db_reset(MP_STATE_PORT(bluetooth_zephyr_root_pointers)->gatts_db); return MP_EOPNOTSUPP; } int mp_bluetooth_gatts_register_service_end(void) { return MP_EOPNOTSUPP; } int mp_bluetooth_gatts_register_service(mp_obj_bluetooth_uuid_t *service_uuid, mp_obj_bluetooth_uuid_t **characteristic_uuids, uint16_t *characteristic_flags, mp_obj_bluetooth_uuid_t **descriptor_uuids, uint16_t *descriptor_flags, uint8_t *num_descriptors, uint16_t *handles, size_t num_characteristics) { return MP_EOPNOTSUPP; } int mp_bluetooth_gap_disconnect(uint16_t conn_handle) { if (!mp_bluetooth_is_active()) { return ERRNO_BLUETOOTH_NOT_ACTIVE; } return MP_EOPNOTSUPP; } int mp_bluetooth_gatts_read(uint16_t value_handle, uint8_t **value, size_t *value_len) { if (!mp_bluetooth_is_active()) { return ERRNO_BLUETOOTH_NOT_ACTIVE; } return mp_bluetooth_gatts_db_read(MP_STATE_PORT(bluetooth_zephyr_root_pointers)->gatts_db, value_handle, value, value_len); } int mp_bluetooth_gatts_write(uint16_t value_handle, const uint8_t *value, size_t value_len, bool send_update) { if (!mp_bluetooth_is_active()) { return ERRNO_BLUETOOTH_NOT_ACTIVE; } if (send_update) { return MP_EOPNOTSUPP; } return mp_bluetooth_gatts_db_write(MP_STATE_PORT(bluetooth_zephyr_root_pointers)->gatts_db, value_handle, value, value_len); } int mp_bluetooth_gatts_notify(uint16_t conn_handle, uint16_t value_handle) { if (!mp_bluetooth_is_active()) { return ERRNO_BLUETOOTH_NOT_ACTIVE; } return MP_EOPNOTSUPP; } int mp_bluetooth_gatts_notify_send(uint16_t conn_handle, uint16_t value_handle, const uint8_t *value, size_t value_len) { if (!mp_bluetooth_is_active()) { return ERRNO_BLUETOOTH_NOT_ACTIVE; } return MP_EOPNOTSUPP; } int mp_bluetooth_gatts_indicate(uint16_t conn_handle, uint16_t value_handle) { if (!mp_bluetooth_is_active()) { return ERRNO_BLUETOOTH_NOT_ACTIVE; } return MP_EOPNOTSUPP; } int mp_bluetooth_gatts_set_buffer(uint16_t value_handle, size_t len, bool append) { if (!mp_bluetooth_is_active()) { return ERRNO_BLUETOOTH_NOT_ACTIVE; } return MP_EOPNOTSUPP; } int mp_bluetooth_get_preferred_mtu(void) { if (!mp_bluetooth_is_active()) { mp_raise_OSError(ERRNO_BLUETOOTH_NOT_ACTIVE); } mp_raise_OSError(MP_EOPNOTSUPP); } int mp_bluetooth_set_preferred_mtu(uint16_t mtu) { if (!mp_bluetooth_is_active()) { return ERRNO_BLUETOOTH_NOT_ACTIVE; } return MP_EOPNOTSUPP; } #if MICROPY_PY_BLUETOOTH_ENABLE_CENTRAL_MODE int mp_bluetooth_gap_scan_start(int32_t duration_ms, int32_t interval_us, int32_t window_us, bool active_scan) { // Stop any ongoing GAP scan. int ret = mp_bluetooth_gap_scan_stop(); if (ret) { return ret; } struct bt_le_scan_param param = { .type = active_scan ? BT_HCI_LE_SCAN_ACTIVE : BT_HCI_LE_SCAN_PASSIVE, .options = BT_LE_SCAN_OPT_NONE, .interval = MAX(BLE_HCI_SCAN_ITVL_MIN, MIN(BLE_HCI_SCAN_ITVL_MAX, interval_us / 625)), .window = MAX(BLE_HCI_SCAN_WINDOW_MIN, MIN(BLE_HCI_SCAN_WINDOW_MAX, window_us / 625)), }; k_timer_start(&mp_bluetooth_zephyr_gap_scan_timer, K_MSEC(duration_ms), K_NO_WAIT); mp_bluetooth_zephyr_gap_scan_state = MP_BLUETOOTH_ZEPHYR_GAP_SCAN_STATE_ACTIVE; int err = bt_le_scan_start(¶m, NULL); return bt_err_to_errno(err); } int mp_bluetooth_gap_scan_stop(void) { DEBUG_printf("mp_bluetooth_gap_scan_stop\n"); if (!mp_bluetooth_is_active()) { return ERRNO_BLUETOOTH_NOT_ACTIVE; } if (mp_bluetooth_zephyr_gap_scan_state == MP_BLUETOOTH_ZEPHYR_GAP_SCAN_STATE_INACTIVE) { // Already stopped. return 0; } mp_bluetooth_zephyr_gap_scan_state = MP_BLUETOOTH_ZEPHYR_GAP_SCAN_STATE_INACTIVE; k_timer_stop(&mp_bluetooth_zephyr_gap_scan_timer); int err = bt_le_scan_stop(); if (err == 0) { mp_bluetooth_gap_on_scan_complete(); return 0; } return bt_err_to_errno(err); } int mp_bluetooth_gap_peripheral_connect(uint8_t addr_type, const uint8_t *addr, int32_t duration_ms) { DEBUG_printf("mp_bluetooth_gap_peripheral_connect\n"); if (!mp_bluetooth_is_active()) { return ERRNO_BLUETOOTH_NOT_ACTIVE; } return MP_EOPNOTSUPP; } #endif // MICROPY_PY_BLUETOOTH_ENABLE_CENTRAL_MODE #endif // MICROPY_PY_BLUETOOTH