# This file is part of the MicroPython project, http://micropython.org/ # The MIT License (MIT) # Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Damien P. George # # This file is intended to be included by a Makefile in a custom project. # Set the build output directory for the generated files. BUILD = build-embed # Include the core environment definitions; this will set $(TOP). include $(MICROPYTHON_TOP)/py/mkenv.mk # Include py core make definitions. include $(TOP)/py/py.mk # Set the location of the MicroPython embed port. MICROPYTHON_EMBED_PORT = $(MICROPYTHON_TOP)/ports/embed # Set default makefile-level MicroPython feature configurations. MICROPY_ROM_TEXT_COMPRESSION ?= 0 # Set CFLAGS for the MicroPython build. CFLAGS += -I. -I$(TOP) -I$(BUILD) -I$(MICROPYTHON_EMBED_PORT) CFLAGS += -Wall -Werror -std=c99 # Define the required generated header files. GENHDR_OUTPUT = $(addprefix $(BUILD)/genhdr/, \ moduledefs.h \ mpversion.h \ qstrdefs.generated.h \ root_pointers.h \ ) # Define the top-level target, the generated output files. .PHONY: all all: micropython-embed-package clean: clean-micropython-embed-package .PHONY: clean-micropython-embed-package clean-micropython-embed-package: $(RM) -rf $(PACKAGE_DIR) PACKAGE_DIR ?= micropython_embed PACKAGE_DIR_LIST = $(addprefix $(PACKAGE_DIR)/,py extmod shared/runtime genhdr port) .PHONY: micropython-embed-package micropython-embed-package: $(GENHDR_OUTPUT) $(ECHO) "Generate micropython_embed output:" $(Q)$(RM) -rf $(PACKAGE_DIR_LIST) $(Q)$(MKDIR) -p $(PACKAGE_DIR_LIST) $(ECHO) "- py" $(Q)$(CP) $(TOP)/py/*.[ch] $(PACKAGE_DIR)/py $(ECHO) "- extmod" $(Q)$(CP) $(TOP)/extmod/moduplatform.h $(PACKAGE_DIR)/extmod $(ECHO) "- shared" $(Q)$(CP) $(TOP)/shared/runtime/gchelper.h $(PACKAGE_DIR)/shared/runtime $(Q)$(CP) $(TOP)/shared/runtime/gchelper_generic.c $(PACKAGE_DIR)/shared/runtime $(ECHO) "- genhdr" $(Q)$(CP) $(GENHDR_OUTPUT) $(PACKAGE_DIR)/genhdr $(ECHO) "- port" $(Q)$(CP) $(MICROPYTHON_EMBED_PORT)/port/*.[ch] $(PACKAGE_DIR)/port # Include remaining core make rules. include $(TOP)/py/mkrules.mk