#!/bin/bash # Re-locator Path RELOCATOR=bootmgr/relocator # Boot Manager Path # First parameter passed is the board type BOOTMGR=bootmgr/build/$1 # Check for re-locator binary if [ ! -f $RELOCATOR/relocator.bin ]; then echo "Error : Relocator Not found!" exit else echo "Relocator found..." fi # Check for boot manager binary if [ ! -f $BOOTMGR/bootmgr.bin ]; then echo "Error : Boot Manager Not found!" exit else echo "Boot Manager found..." fi # echo echo "Generating bootloader..." # Generate an all 0 bin file dd if=/dev/zero of=__tmp.bin ibs=1 count=256 conv=notrunc >/dev/null 2>&1 # Generate 0 a padded version of relocator dd if=$RELOCATOR/relocator.bin of=__tmp.bin ibs=1 conv=notrunc >/dev/null 2>&1 # Concatenate re-locator and boot-manager cat __tmp.bin $BOOTMGR/bootmgr.bin > $BOOTMGR/bootloader.bin # Remove the tmp files rm -f __tmp.bin # Remove bootmgr.bin rm -f $BOOTMGR/bootmgr.bin