# Test for VfsPosix try: import gc import os os.VfsPosix except (ImportError, AttributeError): print("SKIP") raise SystemExit # We need a directory for testing that doesn't already exist. # Skip the test if it does exist. temp_dir = "micropy_test_dir" try: import os os.stat(temp_dir) print("SKIP") raise SystemExit except OSError: pass # getcwd and chdir curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir("/") print(os.getcwd()) os.chdir(curdir) print(os.getcwd() == curdir) # stat print(type(os.stat("/"))) # listdir and ilistdir print(type(os.listdir("/"))) # mkdir os.mkdir(temp_dir) # file create f = open(temp_dir + "/test", "w") f.write("hello") f.close() # close on a closed file should succeed f.close() # construct a file object with a raw fileno f = open(2) print(f) # file read f = open(temp_dir + "/test", "r") print(f.read()) f.close() # file finaliser, also see vfs_fat_finaliser.py names = [temp_dir + "/x%d" % i for i in range(4)] basefd = temp_dir + "/nextfd1" nextfd = temp_dir + "/nextfd2" with open(basefd, "w") as f: base_file_no = f.fileno() for i in range(1024): # move GC head forwards by allocating a lot of single blocks [] def write_files_without_closing(): for n in names: open(n, "w").write(n) sorted(list(range(128)), key=lambda x: x) # use up Python and C stack so f is really gone write_files_without_closing() gc.collect() with open(nextfd, "w") as f: next_file_no = f.fileno() print("next_file_no <= base_file_no", next_file_no <= base_file_no) for n in names + [basefd, nextfd]: os.remove(n) # rename os.rename(temp_dir + "/test", temp_dir + "/test2") print(os.listdir(temp_dir)) # construct new VfsPosix with path argument vfs = os.VfsPosix(temp_dir) # when VfsPosix is used the intended way via os.mount(), it can only be called # with relative paths when the CWD is inside or at its root, so simulate that os.chdir(temp_dir) print(list(i[0] for i in vfs.ilistdir("."))) # stat, statvfs (statvfs may not exist) print(type(vfs.stat("."))) if hasattr(vfs, "statvfs"): assert type(vfs.statvfs(".")) is tuple # check types of ilistdir with str/bytes arguments print(type(list(vfs.ilistdir("."))[0][0])) print(type(list(vfs.ilistdir(b"."))[0][0])) # chdir should not affect absolute paths (regression test) vfs.mkdir("/subdir") vfs.mkdir("/subdir/micropy_test_dir") with vfs.open("/subdir/micropy_test_dir/test2", "w") as f: f.write("wrong") vfs.chdir("/subdir") with vfs.open("/test2", "r") as f: print(f.read()) os.chdir(curdir) vfs.remove("/subdir/micropy_test_dir/test2") vfs.rmdir("/subdir/micropy_test_dir") vfs.rmdir("/subdir") # done with vfs, restore CWD os.chdir(curdir) # remove os.remove(temp_dir + "/test2") print(os.listdir(temp_dir)) # remove with error try: import os os.remove(temp_dir + "/test2") except OSError: print("remove OSError") # rmdir os.rmdir(temp_dir) print(temp_dir in os.listdir()) # rmdir with error try: import os os.rmdir(temp_dir) except OSError: print("rmdir OSError")