# This test ensures that the scheduler doesn't trigger any assertions # while dealing with concurrent access from multiple threads. import _thread import time import micropython import gc try: micropython.schedule except AttributeError: print("SKIP") raise SystemExit gc.disable() _NUM_TASKS = 10000 _TIMEOUT_MS = 10000 n = 0 # How many times the task successfully ran. t = None # Start time of test, assigned here to preallocate entry in globals dict. def task(x): global n n += 1 def thread(): while True: try: micropython.schedule(task, None) except RuntimeError: # Queue full, back off. time.sleep_ms(10) for i in range(8): _thread.start_new_thread(thread, ()) # Wait up to 10 seconds for 10000 tasks to be scheduled. t = time.ticks_ms() while n < _NUM_TASKS and time.ticks_diff(time.ticks_ms(), t) < _TIMEOUT_MS: pass if n < _NUM_TASKS: # Not all the tasks were scheduled, likely the scheduler stopped working. print(n) else: print("PASS")