# Pin rows contain Pin number and pin name. # Pin rows start with PIN_ # LED rows start with LED_ # If the pin name is omitted, the pin number is added as name. # Rows for empty entries have to start with '-' # Empty lines and lines starting with # are ignored PIN_PA02,A0_D0 PIN_PA04,A1_D1 PIN_PA10,A2_D2 PIN_PA11,A3_D3 PIN_PA08,A4_D4 PIN_PA09,A5_D5 PIN_PB08,A6_D6 PIN_PB09,A7_D7 PIN_PA07,A8_D8 PIN_PA05,A9_D9 PIN_PA06,A10_D10 LED_PA17,USER_LED LED_PA18,RX_LED LED_PA19,TX_LED