""" Example for pca10040 / nrf52832 to show how mount and list a sdcard connected over SPI. Direct wiring on SD card (SPI): ______________________________ | \ | 9. | NC | \ | 1. | ~CS | | | 2. | MOSI | | | 3. | GND | | | 4. | VCC3.3| | | 5. | SCK | | | 6. | GND | | | 7. | MISO | | | 8. | NC | | | | --------------------------------- """ import os from machine import SPI, Pin from sdcard import SDCard def mnt(): cs = Pin("P22", mode=Pin.OUT) sd = SDCard(SPI(0), cs) os.mount(sd, '/') def list(): files = os.listdir() print(files)